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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by tk8428

  1. just so many inconsistancies ill never get this past my GML
  2. sorry for the dumb question . ive been out of it for a while and cant find a proper answer are storm commandoes clearable yet??
  3. Yeah its a shame about the legs
  4. Im not sure about a skirt lol
  5. Yeah bit of a cock up i think lol
  6. Thanks guys ill wait and see what happens
  7. Hi the crl says we can have some weathering but what classes as weathering on a black scout?
  8. Im all for a little battle damage. Id love to do my scout wearhered.
  9. Yeah been reading that and it basically says there is no real difference and it is likely they used different armour/ equipment dependant on job. I do like the look of that gg armour and holster tho. Just got to convince my gml now lol
  10. yeah but they'd be easy to build just need some good ref on leg armour now comic ones are hard to pin down the figure looks good. i like the holsters on the gg figure too that would looks so cool
  11. the gentle giant bust shws the commando withan e11 is this a clearable weapons with the scout also i have an se 14r id like to use if clearable..
  12. thanks guys looks almost like tx forearms and gloves, wonder if the leg armour is tx too..
  13. i want to do a storm commando but im not sure what the differance is if any? can anyone help
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