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javi sanchez

501st SpecOps[TX]
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javi sanchez last won the day on December 31 2024

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About javi sanchez

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    spanish garrison

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  1. Hi David Sorry I was busy. No, I keep the rear configuration from when I had my approval.
  2. Hi Darren!!!. Thanks for the links. Just this user is a member of the Spanish garrison. I was wondering if he could help with the EC-17 reloads? Greetings Javi
  3. Hi to all the Mud. I'm looking for Val grenades. Someone who has the 3D files to be able to print. Thank you
  4. Hi Shane How are you? I assume you mean this? greetings
  5. Hello everyone. Last Saturday I had the opportunity to show off my General Weir again. Finally I have my new finished tile rack, much more comfortable than the old wooden one.
  6. The new boxes are already under construction. I hope these give a better result.
  7. Sorry, I thought I had already replied. The width of the boxes is now almost eight, when I think it should be about five.
  8. Already !!!!! It has a very nice visual appearance. I did a placement test. And I still think they're kind of big. Do you think the same as me? Thanks for your comments
  9. Hello again. Your exposition is correct. It is about adjusting the boxes to a 3 cm strap and then the union of the back with a 5 cm strap. I did not realize and there was my mistake. The fault is only mine. We are already on the right track, the new boxes are already under construction. And soon I'll have my General Weir operational. Cheers
  10. No, the pieces are fine, they just seem to be big.
  11. Well I made a tragic mistake. We made the boxes so that a 5-centimeter strap could pass through the slot. I did not realize that this crack must have been between 2 to 3 centimeters. I think that in the CRL it does not come either how wide it should be. So my money and time have been wasted and I'll have to start over.
  12. These ones are made of resin but in the other photo they are mixed up with filament pieces.
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