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Everything posted by ptbenz

  1. ptbenz


    Looks sweet! Gotta get me a cap w!
  2. Thanks to all who helped (you know who you are) I'm proud to be part of such an elite group!
  3. Read my mind! I am working on some holster ideas right now, any input is appreciated! Right now I use a leather strap I made similar to the e11 holster hanging strap and use snaps through the link in the cuffs, they hang nicely from the belt and are only one snap away from accessing them!
  4. Anyone use a comlink with their tx? If so, please post a pic and how do you wear it with the suit
  5. Yes. This is an ongoing run so there is no limit on quantity
  6. Got your order. Will ship in a day or two
  7. Perfect idea on trimming the knee plate! I have the same problem with my suit. I am going to trim the knee plate and see how it works!
  8. My kit came "rebel sold seperately" well worth the money for that "complete" look!
  9. link fixed. I will post a few photos here, in case link is still broken
  10. https://picasaweb.google.com/112018393033246556019/Shadowtrooper#
  11. I've had questions about where I got the amp and wireless system from. Email familyjim@yahoo.com. for more information and to place orders
  12. Got these on Amazon. Just search 'black visor clip' they were $4 each
  13. Here is how I assembled my detonator with the black visor clips I found from a radar detector.
  14. Brilliant! I have one of those tk dashboard figures. I might use it in some way as well. Thanks for the idea!
  15. Sorry bro, she had it. No idea where she got it. I've had a lot of members ask about my belt and that its hard to find the black vinyl. Wish I could help you
  16. I had a seamstress sew one up based off a canvas tk belt. You can kind of see it in my an plate pictures. Its attached, of course. This belt is SWEET!
  17. By the way, my belt is a shiny black vinyl velcroed in the back
  18. I got the clips on Amazon. Just search 'black visor clip'
  19. They seem like they'll work perfect, they have the screw hole to attach them to the detonator and everything. Little more than I wanted to spend on them, but $8 after all I've spent seemed worth it. Ill post pics when I assemble it. I figured black is the way to go since black is required for specialist status.
  20. Okay. So my lenses are on the way but the shipment is delayed due to the weather. I found these clips on Amazon to finish off my detonator, let me know what you guys think of these . Finished my garter belt tonight and it holds up my thigh armor nicely, so should be good there. Just waiting for the holster to arrive and I should be good!
  21. Thanks for the tip elp! I will do that, didn't thinkabout the weight added
  22. You're right. We never miss!
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