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501st Reserve[501st]
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TR-10574 last won the day on July 18 2015

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About TR-10574

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison

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  • Location
    Fargo, ND
  • Interests
    Amateur Radio Operator
    DJ of Community Radio Station

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Life happens and a demanding employer and I finally am able to start cutting into this kit. Here are trimmed elbows and knees. Turned out way better than expected.
  2. I can fiberglass anything if the build goes south. I have sourced boots for cheap. Soft parts and Hyperfirm blaster are ordered and should be here next week. Still no luck on a bucket. Anyone got a cracked up one for grabs with the correct snout. No lens needed I can easily make them out of face shields, window tint and magnets. My Guard bucket was smashed on the front and had to glass the whole works and was approved the first try. The exterior is perfect, but the inside shows the hard work with all the patching and no bondo. I have fixed a few corvette bumpers in my day. Everywhere I look online for white or black buckets, they are on extreme backorder, out of country, not trustworthy per other 501st members or beyond expensive. Even rubies are sold out til October as that's the way some folks go. I will post pictures of the cleanup over the next few weeks as time permits. I'm off to troop for a 4 day local sci-fi con next week with my Garrison mates here in North Dakota. Would like to get a few troops out of this armor before it gets cold this fall... I may bring part of this kit to our booth at the con to show how a "how to" for future members. Thanks for the input guys. Todd TR-10574 Central Garrison
  3. Thanks for the info Steve and Rob. The material is really thick which could mean that it may be a Tambo/Atin kit or concept. The re-casts I have seen are usually wafer thin. I could hit this kit with a bat and bounce off. I am gonna trim it and see how it looks and go from there. Just like any kit, it may take 2 weeks of awesome or 6 months of patience. Regards, Todd TR-10574 Central Garrison
  4. I acquired a box o' armor from another 501st member as I was looking for something cool to build and I am do not have time to build my TK kit til this winter. In the box was a packing list from a maker called CNC Props LLC which I can't find on the web. Everything is in awesome shape and ready to be trimmed etc, but I do not know what a few parts are and the thermal det does not look like any other kits. In the attached pics I have labeled in yellow what the obvious parts are and in pink as I don't know. The kit did include the resin t-bits and tank topper. The soft parts are easy to acquire except the boots I am having trouble sourcing at a good price and I am looking for a bucket for a good price. The links to hig res pics are below. As it looks mostly complete. Should it be built or is it not worth the effort to mod the kit to work? Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Todd TR-10574 Central Garrison http://i1065.photobu...zpsdbxxwx8j.jpg http://i1065.photobu...zpsl6uxnuvc.jpg http://i1065.photobu...zpsnweqjc0w.jpg http://i1065.photobu...zpsu2l0epi3.jpg http://i1065.photobu...zpss8pobt8t.jpg
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