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ISB-3241 last won the day on March 5 2016

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    UAE : Dubai

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  1. Hey there Guys! Azzan here from the UAE Outpost reporting! I've been busy finishing up the armor ,and being active service (Army) sorta slowed down progress a month more than it should have, but I'm happy to say that I'm now officially part of the 501st legion (UAE Outpost) and also the first Shadow there too! You can find pictures below (even the Pizza Hut delivery guy wanted to take pictures when we went to greet him at the door); Armor Party! https://imgur.com/a/CO6PxdW Regards, TX-59495 Azzan Adel Farooq
  2. Well what Sucks is I had major Hopes of being able to Attempt Casting as an Extra ,but Since they wont be Shooting any Scenes in my Country ,or anywhere near by...Its doubtful ,and heck I'm about the same height they were looking for which was mentioned as 6'3 in the Article (I'm 183 CM = 6 Feet Exactly) I wish they were using the old TXs ,and not some new looking helmets
  3. So far ,and dont quote me for this the Guys at White Armor ,and their Detachment Leader seem impressed with the Details on their Armor ,and is should meet Basic Requirements at the very least ,and should be EIB with a few mods ,but then again I warn you that I'm not an Official 501st Member ,but I've done my Research.
  4. Do you guys think Commissioning A Combat Blade (Vibro Blade) with Holster that attaches to the upper chest/shoulder is a nice touch? I was thinking Matt Black with a Leather Holster(Black) ,and maybe LEDs on the center of the blade going down to the tip? Another Idea I had was a Tactical Shield with a large Imperial Insignia Decal printed onto the front on a Matt Black Shield Frame? Essentially I'm working towards a more Tactical Approach to my Shadow Trooper once I get my Neck Seal , Body Suit , Boots ,and Gloves (Not to forget my E-11)
  5. Its COMPLETE! (Well the Armor at least) What am I missing? In the Picture? Body Suit What do I need to get? to Complete the Set? Ankle High Leather Boots Rubber Gloves (Could dye White ones...) Neck Seal (Will be here soon once USPS stops taking forever to get here) E-11 (Will need to sign Special Warrant for Replica Resembling a Weapon. Pictures Below! <</INCOMING TRANSMISSION\\>> ... RECEIVING ... OPEN HOLO IMAGE? [Y/N] ... CONFIRM? [Y/N] ... CONFIRMED ... OPENING ... 40% // 60% // 90% // 100% ... ENTER DECRYPTION KEY ... ******** ... DISPLAYING SENDER HAS ATTACHED NOTE ... VIEW? [Y/N] ... VIEWING Note: Some Pictures may have Foam Sticking out as I added another Layer Foam since my Balclava was drying outside ,and it felt rather uncomfortable without it aswell as the fact that I am not Wearing a 501st Approved BodySuit , Gloves , Boots ,and Neck Seal. END OF MESSAGE ... REPLY? [Y/N] ... EXIT? [Y/N]
  6. Best Part is Marching will be a Piece of Cake as once I am 18 I'm Getting Drafted for National Service , 6 Months of Bootcamp ,and another extra 3 months of Temporary Deployment which is allot more lengthy than most other Nation's Regular Army ,but its mostly due to our Small Population of UAE Nationals ,and the fact that with a Small Native Population the amount of Manpower coming into the Army is Low whereas the Civilian Sector is over-saturated with Usable Manpower coupled with the fact that many of the youth need to realize the virtues of responsibility that life has which have all been forgotten as they tend to act like spoiled brats sometimes. The Armed forces here have the main goal of Quality over Quantity which means Training Classes are Smaller , Lengthier ,and even our Ranking Structure is not as lengthy as most large Countries ,but that means Promotions are worth more ,and take longer too ,but I have no fear as almost all of our Deployments over the past 44 Years that this Country has existed have been Humanitarian ,and Peacekeeping based (Almost always in co-ordination with UN Forces) Yet the only thing that has implemented Doubt is that of the September 4th Incident which Claimed the Lives of 45 Service Men after a fire broke out in a Storage Facility (Which I think was caused by a Missile Strike during the Yemen Campaign which is still ongoing) Other than the Fear of Fighting an Insurgency Next Door to the Border I'm Good to Go ,and Pumped for it.(I'd prefer to fight a Conventional War rather than have them pick where ,and when to ambush me) Which reminds me! Here are some Videos of the Military. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd7hnbDWtkk Overall with my Military Training Done ,and my Age Qualification for the 501st I'm Positive that I can fit the Mindset my Shadow Trooper would have.
  7. I have Some Pictures on the 95% Done Shadow Trooper which should be ready by Friday for wearing ,but Lacks the Gloves , Boots ,and Neck Seal that meet 501st Standard (But I do have black Gloves ,and Boots just not 501st Level Ones) all I have to say is Hey...I'm 16 what else do ya expect its pretty hard ,and I get laughed at in a friendly manner for being the only Galactic Academy Member in the UAE as of yet which in about two years should change as I'd be in the 501st by then just in time for the next Star Wars Movie! (Galactic Academy Number: CTK-1542) Anyways...Here are the Pics. (will update by Friday) (Disregard the Plastic Film as its to protect against Scratching of the Piece) Armor was Built by RS Propmasters in Kit Form as a Commissioned Piece ,and to be honest it is Amazingly Accurate ,and Durable.
  8. Note : it's a full RS kit ,and to summarise I've got little time and no help to build it myself as my three attempts have failed ,so I really need help ,and don't mind paying for assembly ,and shipping if needed ,or if you know anyone in dubai/ UAE send me his contact info ,and I'll call em. Thanks in adavance!
  9. Thanks The Trooper! Anymore Advice? as a Huge Game Convention is happening next week ,and I'd love to complete it before then to meet my Garrison there hopefully!
  10. Hey There guys Got my RS package exactly an hour ago! Here are the pictures ,and I'll ask questions below them! http://imgur.com/a/LUkjf I also sent an email to RS for some Tips on how to assemble everything ,but I'd also like help with what to do as all those pieces are just....Confusing to look at honestly. The most important thing for me is to get a list of items I need to buy as Im heading out to shop for tools today. Lens? Tools? Sandpaper? Another weird thing which RS has told me is not an issue is the Spoon like shape in one of them images ,but if RS says its okay....Its okay ;3
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