Best Part is Marching will be a Piece of Cake as once I am 18 I'm Getting Drafted for National Service , 6 Months of Bootcamp ,and another extra 3 months of Temporary Deployment which is allot more lengthy than most other Nation's Regular Army ,but its mostly due to our Small Population of UAE Nationals ,and the fact that with a Small Native Population the amount of Manpower coming into the Army is Low whereas the Civilian Sector is over-saturated with Usable Manpower coupled with the fact that many of the youth need to realize the virtues of responsibility that life has which have all been forgotten as they tend to act like spoiled brats sometimes.
The Armed forces here have the main goal of Quality over Quantity which means Training Classes are Smaller , Lengthier ,and even our Ranking Structure is not as lengthy as most large Countries ,but that means Promotions are worth more ,and take longer too ,but I have no fear as almost all of our Deployments over the past 44 Years that this Country has existed have been Humanitarian ,and Peacekeeping based (Almost always in co-ordination with UN Forces)
Yet the only thing that has implemented Doubt is that of the September 4th Incident which Claimed the Lives of 45 Service Men after a fire broke out in a Storage Facility (Which I think was caused by a Missile Strike during the Yemen Campaign which is still ongoing) Other than the Fear of Fighting an Insurgency Next Door to the Border I'm Good to Go ,and Pumped for it.(I'd prefer to fight a Conventional War rather than have them pick where ,and when to ambush me)
Which reminds me! Here are some Videos of the Military.
Overall with my Military Training Done ,and my Age Qualification for the 501st I'm Positive that I can fit the Mindset my Shadow Trooper would have.