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501st Member[501st]
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About Collector2

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison

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  • Location
    Moose Jaw, Sk, Canada
  • Interests
    Almost too many to to list. Photography, SCUBA diving, Medieval Recreation, Museums and built heritage, Collector of Firefighting Gear, Pilots Gear, Diving Gear, Gas Masks and suits, Star Trek and Star Wars, Vacuum Cleaners, Comic Books, Books and too many other things to mention.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Izzi: I never thought of the backpack itself. I'll try that next time I use the Nova. Thanks Doug
  2. This isnt recent but I hope it will serve the purpose
  3. Hi Guys: Since I built my Nova I've had one problem with it. I'm constantly having to push the helmet down or I cant see. This past weekend I tried wearing it without the paulder and the problem all but disappeared. It appears that my neck is too short and having the paulder on top of the armour pushes the helmet up. (and also gives me a sore neck from the strain of trying to keep it perfectly straight in order to have some vision. Any suggestions (besides loosing the paulder) on how I might get rid of the problem? Doug
  4. Just had to drop by and say HI :)

  5. Thanks - I had no idea that there were buttons on the belt. Havnt come across that anywhere. The undersuit should be ok as I bought it from the place recommended on the tutorials as being "501st approved" - http://www.extremeracing.co.uk/Stormtrooper/Stormtrooper/prod_10.html Great idea with the snaps. I have them here already so it wont take much to add them. Here's what it looks like assembled. I've already found alot of stuff I want to change or modify though. Hopefully its good enough to get approved then I can start rebuilding one piece at a time. Most notably I need to find a better way of attaching the pieces together. Even with both velcro and snaps all it takes is a slight turn the wrong way and something is falling off. Not impressive. First without the backpack: Then with the backpack on And just to prove it is me
  6. More Pieces - sorry to make so many postings but photobucket has locked up my computer 4 times now and I've lost it every time
  7. Well I think I have it done as far as my skills will allow. I'm still not totally happy with it but.......... I spent all afternoon yesterday trying to figure out how to get photobucket to work so I hope this works right. These are the pictures of the individual parts of the outfit. If you see anything amiss please let me know. I have a friend coming over later today to take pictures of me in it so I'll post them later on. I'd appreciate any feedback you guys could give me before I submit it. Better to fix the mistakes (if possible) now than just tie up a submission. Thanks for the help Doug First the helmet
  8. I bought the gloves, body suit and neck piece from Extreme Racing in England. Apparently they are designed for the 501st.
  9. Thanks Art. A little leather dye and they turned out pretty good. Thanks for the help.
  10. Thanks everyone. I'm heading out for two weeks holidays Wed but hopefully it wont take long to finish it once I get back. Doug
  11. Well - I'm getting close to finishing my Nova Elite Armour, even though I havnt had much time to work on it lately. Still have to finish off the helmet, do a bit more of the strapping for the shoulders and give it all a coat of polish. Also have to figure out how to do the belt. Too bad they dont do canvass like the white meat cans. It would be easy to sew that up. I think it looks pretty decent though (no clue if its up to stardards but I like it) See what you guys think. So here are the Armour and Backpack Doug
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