Hello everybody matt here from the DRG in New Mexico. I got my kit in the mail yesterday and started going through everything and inspecting the kit. There is a lot of stuff that comes in this box. Pulled everything out and it looks good. Everything is huge lol I'm going to have a lot of trimming to do (good thing I have another kit to compare it to) .Any suggestions on that would be awesome. So I'm going to start with trimming the kidney, butt, and ab.
Here is a side by side photo of the kidney plates. I going to cut a inch and a half from the bottom to keep the return edge on the top.
Here is a photo after I cut down the bottom.
Now I have a question about joining the abs and kidney plates. In this picture here you can see that the kidney plate has about 2 inch of extra play under the sides of the ab plate.
Now I can cut it to where it would be butted up together with no gap as per crls, but I was thinking thAt I could keep the extra 2inches in there and use adjustable straps to connect the two together. That way if my body changes I can adjust the straps and still have no gaps. Then I would put a piece of valcro under the sides of the abs and on the kidney plates to help hold the two together tight along with the belt.
I want to go specialist with this build and was wondering if this works.