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About Thrashtrooper

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  • 501st Garrison
    Dewback Ridge

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  1. Hi I have a couple of question about the helmet on the basic nova I was hoping to get an answer to. I was wondering if I need to fill in all the traps on the top of the bucket? And if so what's the best way to do it. I have an AM2.0 bucket. Thanks
  2. Hey everyone im back. Been taking it slow on this build. I got most of the body done. Ive started to work on ths thighs and rum into a snag. So the AM2.0 kit is made for bigger troopers and im one of those short troopers 5'7ish, everything is way big for me. So i got the front glued together and about to start on the back. I put them on to see how they fit and of cousre they look big on my legs. I taped the leg to where it looks right on my leg. So i going to have to cut off a bit of plastic to make it fit. I was wanting to get some feed back before i glue. My plan was to leave a little extra behind the top piece just incase i get bigger like i did with the chest and kidney. Now when i glue the two together it will be 2 pieces on top of each other. Then ill have to glue a third piece for the cover strip. Would this make ridge to high or would this work. Keep im mind i want to go specialists with thw build. It wont be the high The left side is the smaller side i dont know if you can tell Overlapping parts
  3. Ok here some more of what I've done. Trimmed the back and chest. Here's what they look like on the mannequin. Does everything look ok? Here a close up of the should straps I put the 6 slots on the front and let the rest hang over according to this tutorial http://www.whitearmo...orial-chestback
  4. Here what I've been up to. Trimmed the return edges off the butt piece except for the top. Trimmed the edges off the ab plate. This weekend i hopefully can get most of the trimming down. A quick question before I leave. Do I have my shin pieces right? I'm pretty sure I do just want to check.
  5. One more thing does it matter what version of stormtrooper I go with
  6. Hello everybody matt here from the DRG in New Mexico. I got my kit in the mail yesterday and started going through everything and inspecting the kit. There is a lot of stuff that comes in this box. Pulled everything out and it looks good. Everything is huge lol I'm going to have a lot of trimming to do (good thing I have another kit to compare it to) .Any suggestions on that would be awesome. So I'm going to start with trimming the kidney, butt, and ab. Here is a side by side photo of the kidney plates. I going to cut a inch and a half from the bottom to keep the return edge on the top. Here is a photo after I cut down the bottom. Now I have a question about joining the abs and kidney plates. In this picture here you can see that the kidney plate has about 2 inch of extra play under the sides of the ab plate. Now I can cut it to where it would be butted up together with no gap as per crls, but I was thinking thAt I could keep the extra 2inches in there and use adjustable straps to connect the two together. That way if my body changes I can adjust the straps and still have no gaps. Then I would put a piece of valcro under the sides of the abs and on the kidney plates to help hold the two together tight along with the belt. I want to go specialist with this build and was wondering if this works.
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