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About DarthMel

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    Ohio Garrison

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  1. Thanks for the info. I didn't realize Dan Laws made the kit as well. I'll have to look into that. Thanks again!
  2. Thanks for the response, Blackwatch. I tried doing a search, but didn't find any information. They are on the list of sellers on one of the Mudtrooper FaceBook pages, but I realize that is not necessarily for 501st approval, so was hoping someone on here had insight, even if they hadn't done a WIP.
  3. The Mudtrooper has been on my list of future costumes for a while now, but I’ve been holding out on the armor/helmet due to cost. Head Shot Props is having a sale, so I was wondering if any one had any experience with their kit. Looking to find out if their current kits hold up well and how easy they are to put together.
  4. There are paints that are made for leather boots that won't crease, so it is possible to paint (though the effect probably wouldn't look like the screen used boots). But I wonder if it's a rubber coating, maybe? It looks kind of like a rubber coating to me with the way the the light hits the boots. Is there something on the market like that?
  5. I'm looking at maybe getting the red FO TK boots from IB now since they are only open once a month, and then paint them to be glossy. It looks like this may have been done for the screen used boots, as there looks to be a line of very slight color difference where the leather and the rubber sole meet. The gloss also kind of looks like a rubber coating to me. What do you all think? And what would you use to achieve that look?
  6. This kit is part of the reason why I signed up for this forum. I'm still on the fence, but every time I see a picture of that bust at SDCC, I feel the urge to part with my money grow stronger.
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