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501st Retired[501st]
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About keeleon

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California

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  1. Where did you find them? Boots are gonna be the death of my dreams to join the 501st :/
  2. Well, I ordered the first ones, and apparently I am a "wide" no matter what. I was hoping they would have been worn in enough for it no to matter too much. They're just a smidge too tight to comfortable wear. I'm trying a trick right now by placing a bag of water in the foot and putting it in the freezer. Any other suggestions for widening them a little? I'm pretty comfortable working with leather since I've had a business making leather stuff for 4 years, so worst case scenario, I might be able to cut the top part off and attach it to a different show. Does anyone wear a 12 regular and have boots that are a little too big they want to trade, lol? ;P
  3. I'm gonna be following this thread closely. I'm also just now starting on my Anovos kit, and we seem to have similar body sizes. I'm especially interested in your shimming solutions. Do you know what material you will be using for shims? I sent a message to "scootch", but haven't heard back. Cheers!
  4. So I'm searching for ABS, but I'm only finding textured anywhere. Does it even come non textured? And is the armor made out of ABS? I was reading around and it seems they had different generations made in ABS or PolyStyrene. Does anyone know what Anovos finally decided on? Is there a way I can tell? And if I were to find a HIPS dealer, as long as it's shiny and black that should work, right? I think I have one fairly locally.
  5. So I've got my kit all cut out, and I'm in the process of fine tuning and sizing. As I've said before, I'm looking to make it as accurate as I possibly can and go for the highest level, but honestly, I mostly just want a cool looking costume so I'm willing to sacrifice if it's not possible. My main concern now is that I'm 6'3" and 240lbs, so the pieces fit a bit snug so far. Some of them I might be able to get away with if I trim the return edge, but it looks like I might have to shim some of the pieces regardless. So my question is what material should I use to make shims out of, and how close can I trim the return edge? I see people have suggested to use plastic signs and spray paint, but can that get the same glossy black? I'd rather have black plastic if possible so I don't have to worry about touching up paint. And are there places where the return edge is REQUIRED? I like the look of it, but I just know its going to rub and be uncomfortable in some places. Also, I'm new here and dont know what the posting protocol is? I know how to search my question first, but is it ok to make a new post when I have a question, or should I make a dedicated "Build" thread and ask all my questions there? I don't really plan on documenting my build, but I want to follow the expected protocol so people don't hate me ;P
  6. Howdy, I ordered my Shadow Trooper kit from Anovos at SDCC LAST year, and it just showed up yesterday and I couldn't be more excited! I'm looking into boots now, and I'm curious about 2 used pairs I've found and which ones might be best? http://www.ebay.com/itm/NUNN-BUSH-NXXT-MENSS-SZ-12M-BLACK-LEATHER-DRESS-ANKLE-BOOTS-/371715747839?hash=item568bfc2fff:g:GNsAAOSwbsBXko9w http://www.ebay.com/itm/381735116185 I'm still trying to learn all the lingo, but I take it "Centurion" is the highest level of classification for accuracy? So I'm trying to meet those standards, although honestly the costume is for me, so I really don't care that much. Would either of those boots be acceptable? Which ones would be more appropriate? Cheers!
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