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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Kalashnikov

  1. Looks pretty simple huh? For images visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653627854954714/
  2. First, cutting and trimming, next, pre-assemble. I'm starting with the chest, back and shoulder pieces. For images visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653627854954714/
  3. My BBB finally came! For images go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653627854954714/
  4. I'm am starting my build on my Anovos Shadow Stormtrooper. I will report my progress here. Your feedback and suggestions is appreciated. I will probably have a billion questions. Any help would be hot!
  5. Something like this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/401011119396
  6. I'll never order from Anovos again, that's for certain! Do you guys know or can recommend any other companies that sell authentic 501st approvable costumes? Anovos can't be the only one, right? If so, maybe that's why people flock to them and put up with their disappointing customer service, empty promises, ridiculous wait time, and outrageous prices.
  7. Wondering if boots like this would be acceptable for approval. http://www.zappos.co...boots-abe-black http://www.zappos.co...tion-boot-black Thoughts?
  8. Wondering if boots like this would be acceptable for approval. http://www.zappos.com/tundra-boots-abe-black http://www.zappos.com/florsheim-trektion-boot-black Thoughts?
  9. I will never buy anything from Anovos ever again. Are there other companies that offer 501st approvable authentic costumes and armor? Surely Anovos can't be the only one.
  10. Hello everybody. My name is Kalashnikov. Or at least that's what you can call me. I'm hoping to join your detachment and become a Shadow Storm Trooper. I'm expecting my Shadow Stormtrooper kit to arrive from Anovos any day. I'm wondering if the Anovos kit is authentic enough to be 501st approved. If not, I don't want to waste my time, and find another direction. Can anyone help me? Is the Anovis kit authentic enough for approval?
  11. Hello everybody. My name is Kalashnikov. Or at least that's what you can call me. I'm hoping to join your detachment and become a Shadow Storm Trooper. I'm expecting my Shadow Stormtrooper kit to arrive from Anovos any day. I'm wondering if the Anovos kit is authentic enough to be 501st approved. If not, I don't want to waste my time, and find another direction. Can anyone help me? Is the Anovis kit authentic enough for approval?
  12. Hello everybody. My name is Kalashnikov. Or at least that's what you can call me. I'm hoping to join your detachment and become a Shadow Storm Trooper. I'm expecting my Shadow Stormtrooper kit to arrive from Anovos any day. I'm wondering if the Anovos kit is authentic enough to be 501st approved. If not, I don't want to waste my time, and find another direction. Can anyone help me? Is the Anovis kit authentic enough for approval?
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