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Everything posted by mikidymac

  1. In my opinion you need to tighten up the wrist a lot. If you can barely squeeze your bare hand through you can put the gloves on after and push them into the forearm. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks again Ukswrath for all you do. It has been some time since I have been on here but couldn't have done it without your classic TK build. I finished my wife's TX in November and she just finished her 5th official troop on Force Friday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. They will go on this weekend but I don't want to bother our GML. He indicated he would be very busy with the election and couldn't do anything until after that. It will be corrected but I am not going to bother him unless he brings it up.
  4. Great work Tony and about time, LOL. My shins were mislabeled again. I am glad I went back through this and realized I forgot all about the tube stripes that Anovos sent me. Hopefully the GML did not notice in my wife's submittal pics as her approval is pending and on hold due to the elections.
  5. Looking great. I too am in the Rogue One time crunch for my wife's Anovos shadow build. Make sure you have all your undergarments and boots on when fitting the armor and blue painter's tape is great for fitment checks before gluing.
  6. Did you already give up on this Tony? The suspense is killing me. I love it.
  7. Sounds like all kits are missing them. I used live chat to request mine.
  8. Looking great. I can't believe how much more glossy their black is compared to the white. My OT TK from them is very dull and going to take a lot of polishing.
  9. Got my tube stripe decals in the mail yesterday from Anovos.
  10. FYI Allan, received my tube stripes from Anovos yesterday.
  11. I sent a claim and also used their live chat to ask about the missing tube stripes. Received an email yesterday that I would be shipped the decals as soon as they are available.
  12. I sent a claim and also used their live chat to ask about the missing tube stripes. Received an email yesterday that I would be shipped the decals as soon as they are available.
  13. Hello Allan, as you are playing the waiting game like me I just wanted to give you some inspiration for the weekend as you wait until Wednesday. Hopefully this will boost your confidence. Received 2 BBB yesterday but the tape they used was so thin and cheap they were both open on the UPS truck. Everything looks fine though and they were both black. PS: Yes the troopers in the house and kids practice good dental hygiene.
  14. Stupid part numbers..... Who would actually think someone in a shipping department should have been able to read. Geeze, you guys want everything, low price, fast shipping and the correct kit to be shipped? You should be ashamed Allan. LOL.
  15. What does the side of the box say? TX or TK?
  16. Good luck Allan. It took almost 4 months to exchange my XL under suit top for an XXL. They sent me two more XL's until they finally got it right. Idiots. The XXL is still so short I cant use it and for reference all my dress shirts and tee shirts are Large. In a more negative note I did get an email from an Anovos "supervisor " saying they understand I was upset with the additional shipping fees so I could either pay them or cancel my order for a full refund. Needless to say that is the last $29.26 Anovos will ever get from me. Their customer service is horrible.
  17. Looks like you have plenty of water to keep you hydrated and girls bikes to keep you entertained during the build. Those binders are nice at $12.99. Need to pickup a few more.
  18. You are probably right Allan. I will start spreading the word too. Their products are only ok at the low introductory price but their service and attitude stinks.
  19. As an update to this I just got off an hour long chat with Anovos and was basically told that per their terms and conditions the buyer is responsible for any changes in shipping fees. I stated many times that their terms and conditions actually states that, "all fees will be charged at the time of transaction" which I already paid shipping fees and that nowhere does it state that I am responsible for additional shipping. As expected I did not get anywhere and they could not waive the additional shipping. My only option was to either pay the fee or they could escalate it to a supervisor that "Should" respond in 48 hours by email. I will give it 48 hours and then probably like and idiot pay it. At this point I am done with Anovos and will not be recommending them or supporting them in the future. Is everyone being charged this additional shipping?
  20. I know some of are getting hit with the additional shipping charges on these. Is everyone being charged this?
  21. Nice work as usual. And even better we know they are in the correct location.
  22. Wow that is horrible customer service. They are starting to get too full of themselves. After these last request for more money after the fact I will not be doing business or supporting them in the future. I still question the legality of them requesting more money when all my receipts state "Paid in full". In addition I just went through all their terms and conditions and nowhere does it say they can charge additional shipping. It says all fees and taxes will be charged at time of purchase.
  23. Their "live chat" is actually pretty good although they have to send almost everything to a supervisor. Typical call center. Worst case I will pay the additional $30 but not without throwing a fit.
  24. Hopefully some more bad publicity will cause some policy changes. It's not right for them to ask those of us that have pre paid and waited this long to pay more. I wasn't asked to pay more shipping for the OTTK. Just checked email and what do you know... An Anovos email requesting an additional $29.62 in shipping. That is on top of the $26.93 I already paid on July 20, 2015. I will use their live chat on Monday to throw a hissy fit before I pay any more.
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