1) What was your first 501st build project?
First one was Shadow Stormtrooper
2) What specific aspect(s) of the build posed unexpected difficulties?
I cracked one of the ears when I was putting the helmet together.
3) Who/what were your most valuable sources of information utilized during your build?
Build threads here and on FISD. Also one of the guys in the NER was kind enough to let me come over and help me along.
4) What are some common pitfalls that newcomers such as myself often fall prey to when beginning their first build?
Don't be in too much of a hurry. When (not if) you run into a problem, take the time to ask around and get the advice you need to do it right
5) What would you do differently about your first build, knowing what you know now?
Besides not cracking the ear? Nothing really. I learned a lot and had a great time doing it