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501st SpecOps[TX]
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randypavlik last won the day on July 4 2019

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About randypavlik

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    Northeast Remnant

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    Star Wars, Muscle Cars, Guns and Bacon

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  1. randypavlik

    000 progress

    Looking good! Gonna need to do a troop in ny with you when it's done!
  2. Did he say why they wouldn't work??? I know a few guys with approved ATA TKs. Worked fine for them
  3. Also suede riding patches, fart flap and the flightsuit thigh straps are also just for specialist
  4. Yup it is not needed for basic approval. You only need it for the specialist level
  5. Awesome work Jorge!! can't wait to see it at a troop!!
  6. 1) What was your first 501st build project? First one was Shadow Stormtrooper 2) What specific aspect(s) of the build posed unexpected difficulties? I cracked one of the ears when I was putting the helmet together. 3) Who/what were your most valuable sources of information utilized during your build? Build threads here and on FISD. Also one of the guys in the NER was kind enough to let me come over and help me along. 4) What are some common pitfalls that newcomers such as myself often fall prey to when beginning their first build? Don't be in too much of a hurry. When (not if) you run into a problem, take the time to ask around and get the advice you need to do it right 5) What would you do differently about your first build, knowing what you know now? Besides not cracking the ear? Nothing really. I learned a lot and had a great time doing it
  7. I have the diamond state props one. Came assembled and I just had to paint it
  8. I couldn't agree more about the hands on help. Everyone here and on fisd are great but without some of the guys from my garrison I would have an expensive pile of black plastic
  9. I have an AM and have had no problems that weren't my own fault. I haven't checked out the ata black to see how well they match
  10. I believe I heard AM is no longer doing black. also since it's a 3 piece helmet its a no-go for specialist.
  11. it's amazing how I never even thought about this. excellent question
  12. I have fans and that's all. I used my amp once but I really enjoy just being quiet
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