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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by HouTX418

  1. I just use mine at parade rest as a tripod and lean on it. You'll see half the pics I take are at parade rest with the rifle in front of me. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  2. Yah this was all before resizing. had to make that bund much smaller took over 3 inches out. much better now.. still was told by GML the pouches are too big for my body size. and need to dye the cloth more black. and yeh didnt know the belt was askew. but still much progress.
  3. nope came from George from GA Garrison.
  4. mock up fit.. yeh some work to be done but very close..
  5. Oh I know guys. thanks for the support as always. Dont really need help as much was was just doing research. The resizing is nothing more than new boots (local scout is hooking me up there doing it tomorrow) taking about an inch out of back of the bund and a new jumpsuit (done) , really really easy stuff.. oh and the belt. He was a big guy.. Should be ready for re-submit before the weekend.
  6. I'm confused.. everything I've ever read on this subject has them as 1 and the same as does the Wookiepedia entry on them/us... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_commandos "The storm commandos, also known as Imperial commandos or shadow scouts, were the Special forces of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps. One task for storm commandos was to instigate uprisings on enemy systems or to subdue insurrections on Imperial-held worlds. They also served as second-wave attackers in the battlefield, tasked with holding territory won by the first wave."
  7. Well was hoping for more info on here seems like a fairly dead corner of our forum. Bought a used setup from a friend of ours in the GA Garrison. Should be here tomorrow and will need to be resized to fit me but other than that should be ready for approval in a few days. Had to go to the Pathfinders to get all the info since we have so little here on soft parts resizing and sourcing. Anyway looking forward to having both the Scout and the Trooper versions for Spec Ops. I love my Trooper but much too hard to wear for any length of time.
  8. That is correct anything post wipe is Canon now.. Marval Comics count. as does all books past that cutoff that Disney has signed off on.. Tarkin, Lords of the Sith, Dark Disciple, Lost Stars, all "Journey to the Force Awakens books etc.. all canon. etc..
  9. No way to know. We haven't seen a production anovos shadow. Shadows have a wide variety of CRL accepted colors for lenses. My stripes are flat black as they should be though. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  10. No the only Shadow in Houston is me.. so you spoke to me. there was a Shadow Scout that got approved on Saturday there with me Sunday.
  11. Javan I am the Star Garrison South only Shadow Trooper right now. We have 1 more being built but he is a long way from completion. Join the group on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/296336407050926/ This is Star Garrisons recruit page. If you have any questions let me know. Anovos should be fine for any approval. It's as accurate as any other. However even in kit form it will need some TLC and also regardless of if the kit is listed as approvable it is 100% based on how it's built and how it fits. I've seen armor from well known makers fail and not be approvable to due building mistakes.
  12. Expect to pay at least 1k-1.5k USD before it's all said and done. most base plastic kits cost in the high 600s and there is still plenty you need to get after that. The main issue now is less people are making the black kits due to lower demand. There are a few out there making it still Anovos is doing it officially but is very expensive still and there is no release date. There is quite a bit of crafting that is true. But hooking up with your local 501st Garrison and getting some local help is usually quite easy. use this site and www.whitearmor.net for more assembly help as well.. yes it's expensive and challenging.. but it is well worth the effort.
  13. So how dangerous is doing this? can the armor be damaged? I thought about low speed buffing as well but not sure which head would be the least dangerous to use I've seen what happens to car paint when a buffer is not used properly..
  14. Using both Novus 2 and Nu Finish on mine. The Georgia guys swear by it. I want to get some Novus 1 for touchups.
  15. Yeh gonna cut it down.. but how do you get it to lay flat on those ridges? you dont want to see air around the holes right? so it has to fit well. I may abandon the silver lens I cant see it working well with this weldign sheild I got. no way I can see that tint strip is gonna work and stay bonded or even if it does wrinkle free.
  16. There some trickery but uploaded it.
  17. Was told cutting any thing here is a big no no as it provides the eye depth. Won't let me upload says pic is too large. And can't resize on my phone. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  18. I've already bought something else. This 10 bucks a pop for items that aren't working is beginning to add up. I still have not even figured out how to mount it. The eyes are so big on the back side that I don't see how anything will ever fit right or flat. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  19. Sorry to bump this older thread but I am having a heck of a time getting my lens in. The motorcycle lens posted above is no longer avilable anywhere. And the trooperbay one is TERRIBLE basically a 6 dollar strip of tint material with no rigidivity so getting it to lay down is impossible. I ordered a new welders lens to cut up and try to get it to work.. but this is by far the worst issue I've had with the build.
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