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501st SpecOps[TX]
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pm07 last won the day on March 22

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About pm07

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    Long walks on Scariff, holding a thermal detontaor.

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  1. I know there are a ton of threads on FISD about strapping but it's hard to get a good cosolidated search result. I'd like to hear some preferences/opinions. My idea was to go with snaps/webbing for the body, then elastic for the arms/biceps the way justjoseph63 did it. Several other Garrison members suggest elastic for everything, since the elastic stretches with the body. I've also seen armor with the elastic just E6000 directly to the armor, no snaps etc.
  2. Have you checked with Mon Cal?
  3. I used the same as Blackwatch. Very easy to convert if you can find them. Also, do a search for US Army Coveralls in OD Green. They are still available. I would not use a flightsuit as too many pockets to remove.
  4. Thanks I appreciate it.
  5. Slight update. It only took like 7+ years but I was officially approved as a Shadow Scout. On May the 4th no less.
  6. Do anyone know of a file for the telemty unit for the helmet and the E-10 blaster? OR someone who makes them for sale?
  7. The first Ferrix trooeprs we see marching are the black clad troops in no armor, so it makes sense. And dont get me going on this radio pack. I already have the frame and microphone. LOL
  8. Eric, who did the soft parts and do they match up pretty well with the CRl so far?
  9. I believe they are concentrating on finishing the Aldhani first, then the security trooper will be next. But dont quote me on that.
  10. I so need that in rubber. lol This is the only thing holding me up from being finished with my ICAT.
  11. This attachemnt on the right side of the rifle at the handguard , I have seen it referred to as a bayonet.
  12. I have seen a file for this somewhere. I am going to have to hunt for it again .
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