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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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Heavy last won the day on February 22

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About Heavy

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    Imperial Army Engineer

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    Nr. Broby, Denmark

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  1. Same with the neck seal and holster : Neck Seal Black with horizontal ribs, fitted to the wearer, and extending from the base of the neck to conceal the entire neck. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Prohibited for a accurate style costume. _______________________ Holster None is present.
  2. Welcome, looking forward to follow this WIP 😉 If you have any questions, we are here to assist
  3. I don´t see any flap, but there could be a seat patch - it is really hard to see.
  4. Following the CRL and just wanted to say this is looking really great, you guys are doing one h... of a job on this 😄 I agree with Jordan regarding the colors of the under arm attachment and shoulder bridge
  5. Congratulations 🙂
  6. I have an army engineer, even at specialist level, which I wouldn´t be able to have done, if it weren´t for you in here, who helped me. Spec. Ops is the home for my costume, no one else wanted to touch it and in here we have been taken in just like all the other costumes as part of the pack. Regarding a new detachment, perhaps in the future, but putting us into IOC ? no thank you. I am pleased to hear, that Spec. Ops is getting the new Andor Imp. Army Troopers, let´s get them to feel at home here.
  7. With Andor showing new army costumes, I have no doubt that an Imp. Army detachment perhaps could be the way forward, though I also like the idea of detachment squads - I am open to both and would like to offer my help if needed. Moving us to IOC ? no, it wouldn´t feel like the right place for the costumes. Already a member of IOC, so it has nothing to do with the detachment ?
  8. Mine is this - I removed the strap and velcro, added the snaps for specialist level. https://www.bodyarmoroutlet.com/collections/pouches/products/condor-modular-gas-mask-pouch-black https://shop.militaryrange.eu/product/modular-gas-mask-pouch-black-ma11002
  9. Thanks for the tag David. Great to see another engineer on the way :-) I have sewn my own suit, since I always have problems finding the right size in a coverall. My hipps just wont fit in a size that is right for my short height LOL I got my pouches and belt from aliexpress and the gas mask pouch from the e bay, I couldn´t find any in Europe either. I was a bit nervous getting them from China but luckily it is not cheap materiale + great prices. Since it has been a couple of years, sadly those I got them from, has closed. But just search for : military molle pouch phonecase, handcuff case, gas mask, multi modular storage big pouch and a lot comes up. Hope it helps - looking forward to seeing you in the ranks Chris.
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