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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by nicholaschesworth

  1. Ib is is closed at the moment. Who else makes approvable boots please.
  2. I just finished masking and painting shoulder bells. I used green painters tape and i think the easiest thing is to follow the natural curve of the bell. Start at the top and make sure your tape is evenly spaced from the center. The tape wont have any kinks or hard edges. The nice thing is you can always pull the tape off and try again. I free hand applied my tape. Pm me some pictures on facebook-nicholas chesworth before you apply paint. In can give you some tips to ensure your lines flow evenly into the bicep and forearm if youre interested.
  3. thanks, guys. I am just fixing up the paint as per Toddo's recommendation. Hope i don't wreck it!
  4. as soon as someone is interested in building a sentinel I would be happy to walk them through it.
  5. Finally, after the 4th time I got the paint right. Good thing I am going out of town and will have to leave it alone until it fully cures. Then add the deeds and I am finished.
  6. I just painted my dome, but i get an overspray look and not a nice, clean high gloss. It looks bumpy up close, \Any tips?
  7. Aside from the helmet and hand guards and holster How's it look on? any major complaints?
  8. got the silver detail painted on the armour today. Leaving for the field tomorrow. When i get back my helmet should be here.
  9. I had some flaring issues and wasn't able to close the newly attached velcro all the way after i cut off the moulded edge of the rubies which allowed the original to close nicely. I was able to solve it by bending the plastic and some adjustments to the velcro itself and flaring out the ankle of calf armour ever so slightly. now there are no flare issues. It was a bit of a head scratcher at first. I thought I was in a bit of trouble but I solved it. Tools used: exacto knife to cut the velcro and elbow grease to bend the plastic.
  10. I am starting this thread to show you all my journey of moding a rubies shadow trooper into a nova trooper sentinel. Apparently I lucked out in that the sentinel is fashioned after a ROTJ armour kit but is black where as most shadow trooper costumes are fashioned after ANH. Luckily my neighbour is a plastic welder and has some specialized tools and we were easily able to cut the rubies armour. We used a heat gun to remould some pieces to sit better and i restrapped and re velcroed all the closures. Bucket is ordered from scootches and I will begin to build it after i get home from the field. Going to start the silver painting tonight. More pics to come. Super fun so far.
  11. So who has the best armour kits. I was reading that RS Props out of the UK has original moulds they use and are the most accurate that one can get, pretty big price tag though. close to 2000 canadian dollars. Who is comparable. I have a set of snow trooper armour coming from far away versions, but i'm on a wait list until april 2016. I was hoping for an approvable costume by the release of the force awakens.
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