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    Saitama , Japan or Manila , Philippines
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    Star Wars and Japanese Animes

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  1. i think because they are in rest in peace? no war.
  2. I didn't play mortal combat so i dont know that term. just playing tekken only lol
  3. Yup only US cant ship the sds product. andrew told me.
  4. LOL I see, I dont know that term, its new to me. haha!
  5. I' am i kid but not exactly a kid. prefer word Teenager i'm only 18 yrs old. and oh yes I'm listening a lot from the words of Veterans costumers here!
  6. I understand that is the feeling i have last last month after i saw SDS shop online. well good for me that before i lock this product, i post this on Spec ops and FISD. thank you guys for giving me advice and observation on this sds product.
  7. i see, this SDS will probably plan C for me. i need inquire more armor makers at the FISD. and then i will tell it to you guys if it is acceptable. thank you for your advice and help.
  8. for now I'm trying to contact or inquire at T/MC kit. he said they are making TX kit.
  9. if changes, i need to re paint the Ab plate because the Spec ops Requirements said its all Black buttons. that is my observation in his suit. Can you tell me sir Black hole, if what are needed to be changes? on the other hands i try to inquire to also to TM (Troopermaster) suit if he can create TX suit . or he can? or is there any other kits came from black? i dont know where can i find. (@Black hole Sorry for the PM sent earlier i didn't notice your post here) thank you for the reply.
  10. So sir Iz is this not acceptable for Spec ops clearance?
  11. i see, well it is true that SDS can meet the 501st standard said from FISD. the only problem is yeah the letter A . for the letter B i notice that, tilted in the back of the helmet. i saw the picture at the FISD Black hole / nova trooper topic. letter C oh yeah thats true.
  12. oh yeah, the ab buttons last time i posted at the Black hole topics. " Question about the Ab plate" they said you can modify this buttons to be black on the FISD members said the SDS (TK ver.) qualify or meet in the 501st standard, as they said its little bit expensive on SDS.
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