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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by TX1636

  1. All i need are the rubber gloves and latex hand plates and then i am going to put in for specialist!
  2. Second troop with my TX and i think i got all the kinks worked out, just need to trim in a couple more spots and i should be good for the Fiesta Bowl at the end of December.
  3. Just finished painting all my snaps, thermal det clips, and split rivets. the next time i wear my kit i will take a better picture of the Darmin neck seal. I am also going to polish the kit again as i think i can get the plastic to shine more,
  4. Maybe for the Fiesta Bowl parade, since there will be so many white TK's we need some more TX's!
  5. I already finished my build just posting up pictures so you all can grade me. I might try to do the specialist once i get the rubber gloves and handplates. I finished painting all the screws and snaps, i still need to paint the thermal det clips. So i am mostly done just putting it up for preview.
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