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oota goota

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  1. Looks bang on to me. I really like the way the colour shifts from blue to grey depending on what light it's under. This is pretty much exactly what happened with the game model so I think you've nailed the colour. found my old spray cans from when I painted the prototype: *Dark grey: British paints steel grey *Light grey: Dulux light grey *Gun metal: Deltron Grigio alfieri (a maserati colour) Hope this helps I've been asked about cutting and trimming the suit and whether there was anything tricky. From memory the armour pretty much went together like a TK except we fixed the chest plate and backplate together permanently. And we hard mounted the jetpack so it made it quick to put on. The shoulder bells I think we padded slightly to give them some lift. The helmet was a swine to assemble; Shadow fire has done an excellent job IMO especially the ears
  2. yup me too Shadowfire! Haven't been on the boards in a long time. Amazing progress on the crl you guys wow! I really hope you can get it over the line. Not sure if I can help but please message me if you need to. I am trying to find the paint mix for the blue-grey ATM no idea where I put it lol
  3. hey all well the prototype suit is done and has been worn. Overall I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. There has been err rather more interest in the armour than I was expecting I am on the back foot a bit while I get organised and see if I can turn out some suits. Pics on my facebook page cheers! https://www.facebook.com/ootagoota/
  4. Thanks Darth E nearly there! Should have more pics by the end of the week
  5. Hey all helmet is now complete you can view it on the thread link above. Last stage is to test the rigged armour at an upcoming convention stay tuned!
  6. hey all finally finally I've given the jetpack a basic paintjob. I'm trying to decide when it needs weathering or not. I'm tempted to leave it clean for now maybe add some life to it after a test run anyway only got the helmet to finish now. I am going to revisit the bucket shape and some of the faceplate details and then I'll hopefully be able to build finish this beast. I'm having trouble posting pics here now photobucket has gone to the darkside so for pics please look here: https://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=263170&page=5
  7. Hey Chaos thanks very much! Everyone has been very supportive of this armour despite it's lack of approvability. There's currently this like massive drought of black plastic in New Zealand at the moment I have been waiting for months to get some so no progress as of late. But I do have two black fem suits on back order so when I make them I will do an adjusted knee cell. Darth E please let me know if you want one I'll send it through also if anyone has a suggestion for the height of the knee cell let me know! I think its a cool idea.
  8. Nice! I wondered if it was that one. Well stay in touch with the build and please let me know if there's anything I can help with. I'm not sure if it has the knee cell option in there if it doesn't I'll gladly send you one gratis
  9. Hey Steve cool! Who's kit did you buy? Was it one of mine? I've not really done anything with the knee cell thing other than offer a choice of either 2 sniper plates or 1 sniper and a knee cell as I have both forms. I've made a handful of these suits now they seem to work well on the women who've got them but everyone has had to be mucked around with a bit to make it work. Tamsyn is the resident expert on this suit
  10. ok so here's a few fitting images, pics are a bit crap it was late at night but it gives you an idea of where it's going
  11. oops I thought I included a side pic I nearly missed the detail around the top of the 'rocket' bit. The side vent things are a PITA to form but they definitely look the part I reckon. Ok more updates very very soon
  12. hey all been quiet on this for a few months but have finally got some more time to push it along. Here's a mock up of the jet pack I'm pretty happy with how this has turned out. Got a few mods to do to the helmet form then I am going to vac another one. The armour is getting a test fit this weekend on my model so more updates soon
  13. thanks guys yeah it's like a 'bad tempered' stormtrooper or something! I'm pleased that the attitude is coming out of the sculpt. it'll be interesting to see how much translates through to the vac formed piece. It's definitely been a challenge working off low polygon count images with no curvature
  14. hey all small update on the helmet. It's definitely getting closer to where I want it to be. I should be able to get this prototype finished by the end of the week. ha ha who am I kidding!
  15. Nice one you fulla's that IS an awesome first draft! I had a quick read through I need to go back over and compare against my build. I really like the way it's shaping up though pretty much nailed it I reckon What's the best way to make comments or suggestions to the draft?
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