Looks bang on to me. I really like the way the colour shifts from blue to grey depending on what light it's under. This is pretty much exactly what happened with the game model so I think you've nailed the colour.
found my old spray cans from when I painted the prototype:
*Dark grey: British paints steel grey
*Light grey: Dulux light grey
*Gun metal: Deltron Grigio alfieri (a maserati colour)
Hope this helps
I've been asked about cutting and trimming the suit and whether there was anything tricky. From memory the armour pretty much went together like a TK except we fixed the chest plate and backplate together permanently. And we hard mounted the jetpack so it made it quick to put on.
The shoulder bells I think we padded slightly to give them some lift.
The helmet was a swine to assemble; Shadow fire has done an excellent job IMO especially the ears