Wow im offline for a few weeks while i move house and you really get cracking on this... sometimes if i need a flush fit on something i will take a steel rivet and push/pull (with pliers) the post out of it (the bit you put into the rivet gun) and then just hammer the back of them flat - but! if you try this DONT use alloy rivets they wont be strong enough they dont hammer flat well lol.
Looking awesome so far bud.
Tip : if youre spraying gloss black and get matt patches appear let it dry and use a soft car polish to buff it NOT T-CUT - i repeat NOT T-CUT something like MER should get rid of them and help to shine up the rest of the paintwork !
looking really good - only thing i might suggest would be to weather the pistols a little, you have done such a good job of the weathering on everything else they look a little out of place next to it
Yea supprised me too but it seems to be holding for now .... did have to replace a few bits where i had my grubby fingers on them but the rest is quite solid even when putting it on / taking itoff
This is my good old TK bucket (its easier to get a good pic of this) the pads are simply cut from a foam mat, the kind you get cheaply for using in the garden etc to save you knees..... its cheap and effective, attached very simply with double sided tape.
I did have a fan in there but took it out when i added the foam but it was a simple PC fan with an on/off switch running on a 9V battery.
Looking great so far, but...silly question, does the fan on the pack spin? pesonally i think it would make a great visual touch if it did .... but thats just me
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