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Everything posted by stnc

  1. Good call, let me look into that
  2. So I just got the notice from Armoryshop that orders are canceled until further notice. That said, the suit from Jim fits AMAZING, and at this point all I'm waiting on are the boots from crowprops. Any other recommendations on Armor?
  3. I'm in the same boat, but I'm not in a rush so I'll wait it out.
  4. Hey all! Quite a bunch of stuff has arrived (I've updated the original post), and I ended up going with Jim Tripon for the undersuit and dang he is fast! Just one week after sending measurements and it's on the way to me. Excited for the other items to arrive, stay tuned!
  5. Just heard from DarkSide Closet that they aren’t taking orders right now, but “At this time we are looking other alternatives and hopefully to find more material very soon”
  6. I’m going to go that route it looks then, DarkSide Closet just confirmed no more orders, though “At this time we are looking other alternatives and hopefully to find more material very soon @MKE-Trooper Do you have photos of your jumpsuit? I can’t seem to find any.
  7. Hopefully it's just temporary!
  8. Thanks, excited to be here! I just shot a message to DarkSide Closet to confirm, but if that’s the case it looks like I’ll be reaching out to Jkm Tripon. By chance, do you know if the materials issue is temporary, or permanent?
  9. Hey hey welcome! I’m new here too, I’m curious to see what you find on the undersuits, it looks pretty bleak out there…
  10. Hey all, First off, so excited to be here. I'm based in Phoenix (move #22 last May) and I've been off and on about doing this, and I've finally decided to take the leap. My limited experience is was with a Shadow Trooper Costume that I modded to heck, especially on the wiring side (my specialty), and I've flown as Krennic, cape and all (both of course not approved). I'm 6'4" and 250, so the Death Trooper seems like a perfect fit, and I've always been a fan since I first saw them. Most interesting fact though? @IcyTrooper and I were matched roommates our first year in college (to be pilots). Here's the current list: ArmoryShop Props - Ordered today 1/7/22 Armor Helmet Chest Rig Full Harness Belt Kit Pauldron Imperial Boots - Ordered today 1/7/22 - Arrived Trooper Glove Balaclava EZ Strap Tactical Padding UkswrathsSpeciality - Ordered today 1/7/22 - Arrived Helmet Hovi Lighting 5V Helmet Audio System with PTT Helmet Cooling System Trooperbay - Ordered today 1/7/22 - Arrived MP40x3 Ammo Pouch Crowprops - Ordered today 1/7/22 Short Boots (needed a size 14) Daman's Props - Ordered today 1/7/22 SE-14r Holster Undersuit - Ordered 2/12/22 - Shipped 2/7/22 Jim Tripon Here's what's left and any input would be super helpful: Blasters - It seems like the choice is between Imperial Arms and Premier Props, any thoughts? Imperial Arms SE-14r E-11D Premier Props SE-14r E-11D Can't wait to get everything and get involved! Michael PS: This was me way back when I lived in NYC in 2015, funnily enough I ran into a AT-ST on Halloween night
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