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Mr Fett

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Mr Fett

  1. No. I have no idea how long that patch even has been up there. My friend just ran across it that one day and sent me the link. The company is from Thailand. That's all I know.
  2. One of my friends just ran across this website selling these patches: http://www.sukhumvitonline.com/kiniela/product_info.php?cPath=2_21&products_id=92 They even put in the LED light strand around the visor and the snout like I did. I'm not the "canon" one found on the newer Star Wars Wiki page that is up now....but they had to have seen me somewhere to make their patch look like my helmet.
  3. Yeah....he REALLY needs to get on molding that mo-fo for us.
  4. Yeah, but in the top pic, it's the far away guy where you see the back of his head, and it just looks rounded. Can't make out any specific details ( if any ).
  5. So, without counting the modified Stormtrooper helmet from the old comics, there's 5 different variations of Seatrooper helmets in the artwork posted in this thread. This said, because I'm not a sculptor, if I get around to making a normal Seatrooper costume at some point, I think I'll just try using an existing Scout Trooper helmet and then doing some mods to it to make it look somewhat more "Seatrooper-like". The hard thing would be deciding exactly "what" to change, since every one of those pictures up above is a basically different shaped helmet. Forehead "sensor array".....sometimes there, sometimes not. Rounded Scout ears....sometimes there, sometimes not.......sometimes a bigger lense area then normal Scout helmets, sometimes not.......etc, etc, etc.
  6. It's not too bad. The trick I had with mine was deciding on having the hoses either too short or too long. I didn't want them hanging all over the place so kept them tighter. What this meant, though, is that the helmet had to remain more stationary and you'd just torso twist to look to each side. Think Royal Guard. Same concept.
  7. I keep checking back once in a while to see if anything new has happened with this project since the last post in September of last year, but nothing yet.
  8. That is me, many years ago. That costume now resides with a 501ster in Australia, but I don't know if he's worn it or not.
  9. The black door trim does fit nicely with the look of the helmet. I love the ironing picture as well. Too cool !
  10. Let me send you my mailing address. As far as the gap around the faceplate, you could just run some rubber door trim around the back edge.
  11. I don't even see the horizontal grooves in the reference pic that you were trying to put into that forearm piece. To me it looks like a regular Scout Trooper forearm that's been cut down a little.
  12. True, but we can still do our own little twists on thing and still look like the reference pics. For example, the light in the forehead vent. Any costume with lights gets commented on by the crowd. As a Boba costumer, people typically mention my chest lights and jetpack light. I've seen TIE pilots with lights in their chestplates and left arm com pad, not even mentioning Vader, etc. Lights bring up the costume a bit, and since it's probably a fact the original drawing of the Seatrooper had what appeared to up an underwater light on his helmet (like real divers can use), it makes sense to add it. I also think if the shin armor didn't have a knife, you could put a dive knife on your belt. The LMO should accept that based on reasons in earlier posts. It's kind of like how if a Sandtrooper costumer finds ANY type of old leather pouch and attaches it to their ammo belt, nobody says it's not the correct MODEL of old leather pouch. It still visibly looks like a Sandtrooper. They used a variety of old leather pouches on the movie suits. Divers always carry a knife. Same kind of thing, imo..
  13. Awesome on the cod armor. For the forehead light, you could just put a piece of plastic in there (maybe even a dark plastic) and the light would be behind that. So it wouldn't show until you turned it on and would just look like a vent of sorts.
  14. You wouldn't need to make the forehead light removable behind your vents. Just turn it off for the official picture. When I first saw the reference picture and the rectangle on the forehead, I naturally assumed it was supposed to be an underwater light anyway, so how do the 501st CRL people know for certain it's not?
  15. You wanna get high tech? There's always....... http://scubadiverlife.com/2011/01/15/liquid-image-scuba-series/ Watch the video. Oh, look.....blue LED light inside the SCUBA mask ? Hmmmm........
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