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501st SpecOps[TX]
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kmart890 last won the day on January 19 2019

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About kmart890

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    Northeast Remnant Garrison

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  1. Hey @MahXPrime, do you have a source for the leather straps for the vest? I'm looking to upgrade mine.
  2. Sorry for the delay! Link works, but it's a secret group apparently. Shoot me a message with your Facebook profile and I'll invite you!
  3. I used some rare earth magnets in mine. I rarely troop with the chest box on, it's more in case there's a special event where I won't be moving too much
  4. The CRL on the main 501st site would be the one to go by for approval.
  5. You should definitely reach out to your Garrison's GML for tips on if they'll work or not. They look good, but I don't get to make that call.
  6. You should be able to get an officer belt from TiggWolf or Wampawear
  7. The pouches just slip over the belt with loops. The detonator has clips, similar to TK detonators.
  8. Sorry for the delay. The scout belt does not need to be attached to the officer belt.
  9. I don't think that rig would work. Best option is to send it to your GML and see what they think.
  10. You mean the scout drop box? This isn't my build, but a garrison mate's on how he attached his scout drop boxes on his TB build. He put snaps in his belt and boxes. Mine is snapped to the belt, but I have one long strap instead of the snaps inside the drop box.
  11. I got mine on eBay from a seller called Military 1st. Hope that helps you out.
  12. I got my kit from Jim Tripon on Facebook. He sells the bucket, chest and back as well as chest boxes. https://www.facebook.com/jim.tripon
  13. Finally got my boots in and submitted the other day. Full album here Got denied for a few things, most difficult being the leather straps on my flak vest. In the meantime, I did get this cool motorcylce helmet bag that fits my Jim Tripon bucket! Color scheme matches too! Here is the amazon link if interested: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B016S9UMWC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  14. With the CRL finalized, I started making modifications to help get my costume up to specs. Unfortunately, I'm constricted by funds at times, so changes have to start small. Began with the AR-15 pouch to add to my flak vest! Easily found on eBay. How have other members made it so the ammo pouches are full? I was thinking of getting some trading card boxes painted black, but I think they're a little too wide.
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