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  1. Hey Guys, I ahve a question about the ATA kit in black what size tube are people using to make the thermal detonator? I cannot seem to figure it out E
  2. Hey guys, Is there a good source for the black boots???
  3. Hey guys I was checking the CRL etc and was trying to figure out what belts are acceptable. I know awhile ago there was a debate about canvas vs. shiny material like a vinyl. Also, I know a member was making the black canvas and cannot seem to find the thread. ecoli
  4. OOH, I like that foil tape idea. I have one other quick issue cause I am almost done just touched up some gloss paint today and will hopefully hit the ears and the vocoder this evening. When my kit arrived the silver tint for the eyes were wrinkled or creased prob from bouncing around in the shipping. I am being a little perfectionist here but is there any advice how to fix that issue or where to get more mirrored tint. I have to admit guys I have been heavily involved in a TD project hoping to get deployed, but during the wait for my armor I was kinda interested in building a helmet so I noticed a helmet on sale so I grabbed it. After, building a helmet and seeing how it looks I may have to not only go for TD but for TX as well.
  5. Izzi, Do you mean the heating section of Lowes ? THose are both very helpful, I know people spray paint for the even texture but it seems like the masking off has to be almost perfect? Is there a good silver paint to use if I decide to spray paint, etc. THanks again guys going to look into both. The way things are going I may have a TX built before my TD
  6. Hi guys, So I am slowly getting pulled into this TX thing. What is the best way to paint the teeth silver. Paint pen? Paint? Spray paint?
  7. Great, Thanks guys I just wanted to double check because I had seen ones with them and could not find any sources showing gray and the CRL stated that it was flat or gloss black.
  8. Hi guys quick question I have put together my first lid. Made some mistakes and learned quite a bit, anyway I am to the painting and am having trouble with the ears. THe CRL says they can be gloss black or flat black I believe. I have seen some gray like the normal TK can someone shed some light on the confusion in color. Thanks hopefully I can post some pics for eval.
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