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PiettLives last won the day on June 20 2016

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About PiettLives

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  1. Looking good brother! Glad I could help with the specs on the tanks. I'm in the process of selling my entire FT suit to a fellow squadmate and will help him complete the build. I was almost finished with it but lost steam and love for the build. Good luck with yours!!!
  2. Yeah they were made separate and I'm trying to figure out the best way to attach them so they're solid.
  3. Todd, how did you mount the two black "tubes" on your tanks? Trying to figure out the best way to do mine. They're kinda out there hanging in the breeze and I'd like them secure and strong.
  4. Kevin (thisiskevin) offered his 3D print files of his thrower to anyone who wanted them. I have the 850 thrower and just completed it yesterday. It's pretty heavy as others have also said. Keep that in mind as you look for yours.
  5. I've been obtaining parts and have done lots of prep to my armor. Thrower is almost complete and tanks are on the way from MLC. I'll really be pushing now to get it all done before Celebration! Will be looking for lots of help soon and will be posting progress.
  6. Interesting as I never noticed the 2 hose setup until now. I see it in the screen grabs but on one of the suits I have pics of it's not there. Different set up all together. Hmmm...what to do? Looks like they ran the second hose up the middle.
  7. When you guys make ANY headway on those tanks please share as I'm getting one as well. I've been thinking I'd like to permanently mount them on the back plate and have the chest armor be removable. I'll have a "backpack" harness inside to hold the weight so that's why I want the front accessible. There are seams showing on top of the shoulders so it would be approvable.
  8. Happy to see this finally started. I have noticed minor differences in the suits and thrower in Orlando and Cali. Wondering about our designation though being a TK myself. Are "all" Spec Ops TX?
  9. More goodness acquired! My thrower from K. Merritt and the mesh hose material both in hand. Started cleaning up the resin parts and look forward to showing it off at our next armor party on the 26th!!!
  10. Went out and got the Dewalt bin on sale for $69 at Home Depot. It's the same size as the 50 gal Stanley/Husky bins but has a railing setup on top. I'm hoping to do a mounting system on them for the tanks for transport. Also came up with a killer idea for decorating the outside! Hope it turns out as good as what's in my head. I'll share once I get it done. Also ordered my thrower from Kevin Merritt and my armor from KB...getting excited to start cranking this suit out!
  11. Clint, there is currently a resin kit run underway that's $400 shipped if that's in your price range. I also know someone doing a 3D printed version for around $300.
  12. Finally started my build today by doing some trimming and sanding on my SGB bucket. Man, what a mess fiberglass is!!! Excited to have started down the fiery path though.
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