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Everything posted by darthaloha

  1. All, I wasn't quite sure where to post this... We, the LMO team, made a mistake when it came to the Seyn Marana CRL. I'm here to apologize. I should never have let this CRL be approved because there are not enough reference images. I think everyone, including myself, thought this character was from the game as well as the book. Characters based on text only or do not have the required reference are not allowed. The costume has been grandfathered in the database. This means that anyone who is already approved remains approved and may troop as Seyn Marana as they please. If either Toddo and/or I end up being LMO this year we'll work on a better system for detachments to provide reference imagery per the character approval statement on the 501st web site. My apologies go to Spec Ops, the four members already approved and anyone currently working on the costume. If you have questions please email lmo@501st.com. Thank you, -Eric
  2. Would it be possible to get a much higher resolution photo of the doll on a plain not white background? I'm keen to include this in the CRL. Thanks, -Eric
  3. I'm happy to change it. Please paste the desired wording in this thread and I'll fix it as long as Steve is down with it. Does anyone have a TK doll they can take photos of? I'll absolutely put that in the CRL -Eric Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. All, The Death Trooper CRL is now live. I'll announce it on the legion forums after I post here. It may seem like it but I do not have it out for SpecOps nor am I intentionally trying to crap in your wheaties. The Shoretrooper placement was utterly bungled by me. I still stand by the decision but I did not handle the situation well. I waited far too long to make a decision and it caused both camps to be dug in and emotionally invested in the costume. I regret my actions, or inactions. Part of the reason it was difficult for me is that I've always had a great affection for the SpecOps detachment and its leadership. SpecOps has always been led the same way I tried to run FISD when I was DL, with a spirit of inclusion, transparency and a dedication to helping anyone who asks. I wanted to send the Shoretrooper this way out of basic favoritism not what was best for the legion. I'll likely be apologizing, not for the eventual placement, but for my bungling of the decision for years to come. If I have the privilege and honor to be LMO again in 2017 I promise to find a way to improve costume placement before EP8 costumes start piling up. With that said I gave the Death Trooper a TX not a DT. I fully understand that the legion's two letter costume designations have become a strong source of identity for members. We wear them proudly on our racing shirts and other personalized swag. However that was never their intent to begin with. Originally they were a way to group costumes in the member database. For many years we had a handful of them and all costumes were lumped into one of these groups. Somewhere along the way, around the time clones were at the height of their popularity things went awry. Suddenly there were seemingly more clone designations than all of the other costume types (not really but some days it feels that way). Philosophically I believe we should reduce the number of two letter designations for the sake of clarity and organization of our member database. That is why I have said no to creating new ones in 2016. Off the top of my head I've said no to TFA TKs being FN and Deathwatch costumes getting a DW. They are both TK and BH respectively. That said I set aside my strong philosophical feelings for the Shoretrooper given the contentious nature of the detachment placement. As not to perpetuate the vitriol I gave them the ST designation rather than TB. I suspected that no one that was against the costume going to the bikers would have settled quietly for being a TB, as much as I still want it to be. Here is a list of the current two letter costume designations as it stands now. I hope even if you do not agree you understand my position. My other hope is that all of the approved death troopers are as proud to wear a TX on their shirts as they would be a DT, because you folks should have every reason to be proud to be a SpecOps members. I'll also tell you what I told the FO TKs: There is nothing stopping you from putting DT-XXXX on your personalized merch. To date I have not seen a FO TK use FN on their gear, but they could. Thank you for your time and patience. -Eric
  5. All: The CRL is live now. This was the easiest CRL for us in a long time. We still had to argue about it internally because that's what we do, but thank you Clint and Toddo and everyone. Clint: I just sent the CRL to your GMLs. That should suffice in getting you approved. Also... Since you're in a photoshopping mood (har har) I want to talk to you about maybe taking some photos of your TFA TK harness, shield, baton, and BFG. Timothy and I want to add them to the TFA TK CRL. -Eric
  6. 1 to many days. I suspect this will be pretty quick. -Eric
  7. Ok. It looks like Biggs was abducted by a wallaby and is probably sequestered in her pouch as we speak without internet access. I just green light this CRL to get folks approved but the images need a lot of work. If this were the TFA Tie or another insanely popular costume I'm not sure I would do so. But for the handful waiting to get approved, it is more important that they get trooping officially than the images be right. Many of the images are just too small. You aren't able to open up a larger version to see detail. Others need new images all together. Other than image size/resolution issues across the board here is my list: Main image - back view is too dark. I also changed the credits to use Dan's TKID for the model. Back/yoke or Chest - Needs at least top down view too. It doesn't matter which entry it goes in. If possible a view of the yoke alone but not a big deal. Thermal detonator - This should show the whole thermal detonator assembly not just the tube,. See TFA TK for reference. Elbow gasket - This image is so small I can't make out much detail at all. It sorta looks like a knee gasket. Posterior armor - This used to say "back armor" and I changed it. If Dan can separate his butt plate from the ab section a photo of just the butt would be much preferable. Shins - more views of the shin including the holster detail is needed Boots - as soon as someone uses the better boots, instead of TX boots, a photo would be awesome. Blaster - I'm not holding this CRL up because of weapons, but obviously as soon as someone has weapons please take photos. Congrats everyone... and Dan especially. -Eric
  8. Yep. If you don't mind. It would be helpful to see the original photos. -Eric Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'm waiting for Biggs to get his LMO on. I emailed him I think its midday there or so. I have a few other things to do tonight but i will give it a good proof read no later than tomorrow morning. Hopefully we can get Rodo approved by tomorrow evening at the latest. Thanks for your patience, -Eric
  10. Hey Dan... do you have a link to where you have these photos in flickr? -Eric
  11. Nice. There is a "replace photo" option if you click on the image on the CRL page. -Eric
  12. Suh-weet! I did notice that the main image only has a front view. Front and back will be needed before it is considered finished. We'll give the words and photos a good once over ASAP. Please allow for Steve's time zone offset. Thanks guys. Nice work all around. -Eric Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. That's totally up to your local command staff. Here in the NEG our GML gives out day passes for unapproved costumes but we're way more relaxed about that stuff. But tell your GML or CO or whoever that I'm cool with it if they are. You can show them this post or just tell them to PM or email me if they give you a hassle. -Eric
  14. I just realized I forgot to mention that there is no back view of the full costume at the top. Sorry about that. -Eric
  15. Sweet. I would prefer if the photo of the back was not on the wearer. Check out the tfa tk to see what I mean. Or even something like so: http://origin-wiki.501st.com/databank/File:TFA_Tie_back.PNG -Eric
  16. The LMO team is looking at the words. I expect to her back from them in the day or so. It looks good to me though. However I can't make this CRL live without all the photos. It still needs: Back/yoke Shoulder gaskets Knee gaskets Elbow gaskets But I'm cool with making this CRL green sans blaster photos. -Eric
  17. Cool! I'll take a look tonight and get with my team. Hopefully we can get Dan approved in the next day or so. -Eric
  18. How in the heck did that post twice? Super weird. -Eric Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Heyo! I would suggest refraining from putting too specific measurements in the CRL. Or maybe use the word "approximately" when you do. We have a handful of GMLs that own a set of calipers that may as well be engraved with "denied!" -Eric Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Heyo! I would suggest refraining from putting too specific measurements in the CRL. Or maybe use the word "approximately" when you do. We have a handful of GMLs that own a set of calipers that may as well be engraved with "denied!" -Eric Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Steve: I just created a blank template for this CRL. http://origin-wiki.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_TFA_elite Let's talk soon about the wiki ins and outs. As I mentioned in Facebook chat, in lieu of documentation I am happy to share my screen on a web based conference call to walk you and whoever else through editing the wiki and uploading photos. I am now also following this thread -Eric
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