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501st Member[501st]
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About chwillis

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Canadian Garrison

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  • Location
    Ontario Canada

chwillis's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Chris is correct, my first few troops were a learning experience to say the least. Modifications and changes were required after the first few troops to get the armor fitting as it should. Once i got a pack there were more adjustments with my TD.. Today the longest ive been in armor for 7 hours with 2 drink breaks. (Full gear/w pack and T21) Hydration is key, once your in armor you will not be going to the bathroom and sweating the whole time. Ive moved over to UA 20% compression heatgear to keep the temp low wile in armor and it extends my troop time significantly.
  2. He did this for me too, tried out the chest and it was too small so im holding as of now till new larger chest is created. Chris
  3. Im waiting for Walt to make a larger chest and back mound as thats where the majority of my girth is after going through SWAT at the MEPD.. Gaps=bad lol
  4. Unfortunately my TX project was halted. The WTF bucket was great, sold it to a local member for their FX update.. RT-Mod said they would not offer back, still only option for the bigger troopers is AM 2.0.. Let me see what i can do about getting pics back up.. **Fixed**
  5. This is the Battlefront Shadowtrooper /w jetpack. Would be very cool to see this added to the CRL as an option..
  6. I have one of each of Jays pauldrons they are things of beauty, Im TD 42115 and i approve this message
  7. Ebay actually http://www.ebay.ca/itm/151794823274 AFX helmet lenses, nice and sturdy..
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