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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  • 501st Garrison
    Timberline Garrison

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  1. Thank you. Looking forward to trooping in it.
  2. Just got the email....TX92000 of the Timberline Garrison is up and running. Anovos kit. Sadly it has been a near two year journey getting it done. Ten months waiting on Anovos to deliver it, and then about another ten trying to get it assembled in between tons of other projects, such as getting my wife and I approved on our Mandos.
  3. Thanks guys. It's the flush, or slight overlap that I am having issues with. If I can adjust the belt down about an inch, I can eliminate that gap between the back and kidney, while still leaving the kidney aligned with the ab plate. Being able to raise the ab plate, allows me to raise the chest, keeping the overlap and pushing the shoulder straps down and into proper placement on the back. I'll get with the GML to make sure it's ok to move the belt down.
  4. Due to my longer trunk, I had to split the ab from the cod. I need to be able to shift the ab and chest up, so I can move the back and kidney to butt up against each other. I gained about a half inch of space with the belt being centered and touching the bottom of the button plate. Question- Does the top of the ammo belt have to touch the bottom of the button plate? If not, then I can gain another inch by lowering it to cover the gap between the ab and cod. This is the last bit of fitting I need to work out so I can apply. The rest has been given a thumbs up.
  5. I had a rather large gap under the right ear. Local GML said it was still good to go, but I can't stand it either. I asked for a new one to cut myself, along with the tube stripes, and not a peep from them. I'll have to hit them up on the live chat I guess.
  6. I was going to say the same. Unless they have some process that hardens the surface from scratches, Black will scratch. That's the nature of black and the reason for plastic polishes.
  7. I ordered mine at Salt Lake Comic Con 2015 and they said January- March at that time. Then they pushed it back three months, now three more. Slight irritation would be an understatement.
  8. If you have a TX kit on order from Anovos, I just checked their update page and they're now saying delivery is in Q3. So, it's going to be a few more months of waiting now.
  9. The most recent email from Anovos is the TX kits will ship Q2 2016. Kits will be shipped in the order they were taken, so orders now would most likely be sent in June---ish. I've seen a number of posts in other forums that the Anovos TK kits have been shipped and people are reporting their arrival and most excellent quality.
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