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  1. I mean to have snaps connecting front to back, I more meant the straps keeping the 2 (3) front segments together and 3 back segments together. Main videos I have seen bolt in brackets and then glue straps to the brackets. Why do that when you could just glue the straps to the armor?
  2. Just got my kit in a week back and started work on it now. Starting with the helmet so I can finish a piece to show off sooner When I tried to clamp the front and back together tho there appears to be more of a gap then some of the helmet builds I have watched. I'm wondering if this is an issue or if when screwed together it will be fine. Here are 3 photos of helm On a non-helmet related question... is there any particular reason not to glue connecting chest/back straps together? Not to use the screw on strapping system I have seen around.
  3. Thanks for the reply! Have you actually seen the outfits from Star Wars Costumes? What are some of the main differences?
  4. I am going to be getting a Shadow/Nova Storm Trooper outfit to wear to a friends themed wedding. I had originally looked at Anovos and "Original Stormtrooper" but later noticed that one won't ship till to late and the other doesn't ship to the USA. After coming here I managed to find Scootch's Custom Fab Shop and later found Star Wars Costumes . Now I don't know which one to go with and was wondering if anyone on the board had any ideas on quality differences between the two. Cost wise, Scootch's would be $550 + tools and extra materials + Jumpsuit/Gloves + A lot of time. While the costume site seems like it might be a pre-built for $950. Given time and extra materials/tools needed for Scootch's the cost would probably be equivalent. So, anyone purchased from either place before?
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