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About para_fett

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  • 501st Garrison
    Badlands Garrison

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  1. Thank you. I must have blind because I read the crl a few times. My apologies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The reference pictures depict the armour as being more matte then gloss. Is that the case? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Excellent thank you. I'm assuming that the Red Cross red won't be acceptable? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I'm looking at the Various novas again and the medic caught my eye. The CRL says it is a light red, depending what screen I'm using the red looks anywhere from red to pink. I'm not anti pink I just want to paint my armour that way. Anyone have a swatch colour or specific colour spray that we can use? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. yes, it looks like the Visor is cut at an angle. I will save that step for last
  6. Hasbro would be the easiest but I think I'll try this one
  7. Alright I may give this guy a go. Now because weapons are not mandatory with the 501st does that mean I would just need holsters? Not saying I would build the blasters but just asking. Here is a list of Items needed, please help with feed back are things I missed 1. Gloss black scout armor 2. Ab pouches 3. Cod piece (original) 4. forearms (original) 5. Shin/knee armor (original) 6. hip holsters and belt rings 7. boot armor 8. flight suit (black) 9. looks like a neck seal, tk style, could be wrong though Please add anything I missed
  8. Makes sense about using the action figure. So going off of the the drawing then, does he have thigh armor or are those just his pants. I agree with you Darth Emphatic about the shins, Vader stuff is no good.
  9. You guys think that the Vader shins could be used for the action figure version of the storm commando? Remove the bumps and add a backing and they look almost the same in my opinion
  10. Excellent build thread, and congratulations!
  11. Thanks guys, it was almost a year to the day that I started this project. So it took a long time but I finally have the TX designation
  12. I'm a pretty happy Nova right now
  13. Well I fixed up all that needed to be fixed (I'm hoping) and resubmitted my pics for approval, now to see what happens. (changed the earlier pics to current Nova)
  14. the shoulder bells remind be of RC shoulder bells. Obviously not exactly the same...
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