This is awesome!! Pretty spot on honestly. Haha
The only things I noticed aren't in and are pretty minor~
For Context:
He's also in the Dr Aphra comic series
Also this part:
"0-0-0 or Triple-Zero or Doctor Aphra is a protocol droid, specialized in etiquette, customs, translation and torture. "
should just be-
"0-0-0 or Triple-Zero is a protocol droid, specialized in etiquette, customs, translation and torture."
For the Torso:
He has these four greeblie/detail pieces over the chest area (not sure if they have a name or true purpose other than visual)- 1 on one side, 3 on the other with one larger than others.
The artwork varies and sometimes it shows it there and sometimes not, or flipped to the opposite side (but I think that's just an artist error! )
After looking at all the other standard protocol droids when I was building mine, all of them seemed to have them (and he's definitely shown with them often enough to imagine, like all other protocol droids he has them too. Haha)
Picture reference to what Im talking about~
Also in torso section, this part is debatable:
"Shoulder rings need to be attached to the torso and must spin on a bearing type system and the shoulder bell must be on a hinge so it can open up. "
Most of the builders I know use a solid ring that attaches in-between the torso and shoulder bells.
Visually, they both accomplish the same thing. Technically, it's just a matter of comfort and mobility since the solids do not hinder movement, whereas the bearing versions (I'd imagine) probably make the arms more mobile. (Basically like the difference between solid and rubber shorts)
Other than that though, this is pretty rockin!!