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501st SpecOps[TX]
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ChumbaWumba last won the day on August 16 2017

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About ChumbaWumba

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    Christian Mercado
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    Japanese Garrison

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  1. That's the main problem Iggy. It is artwork and there is no where that it officially says it's black, or grey, or shiny whatever. We're doomed because artwork can change! It's our lot in life. We kind of just have to go with what looks most accurate. Because some panels like the ones you showed above look grey, but then other panels look more black. As it's gone on, it seems the artists have decided to go with a more shiny black look as you can see it's pretty defined in the later Darth Vader issues, and definitely in the Dr Aphra comics. We do what we can though I suppose!
  2. I sent you a message @Darth Emphatic, but firgured I'd post it here too. Will definitely need to get the wires section updated for the CRL. All of the comics (and figure) depict his wires as grey or silver so I had that changed on my suit, and figure that should be updated as well on the live CRL since that is definitely what is canon. Mine have been changed accordingly. I also took new photos in a studio to get my old ones updated since the old shots have colored belly wires.
  3. Looks like photobucket is a real jerk and has blocked all my old photos anywhere (and there's definitely no way I'm giving them my money when they spam me to death with their ads lol), so if anyone knows a good way to post pictures here, let me know so I can replace them! I've attached front, back, and side photos for anyone that wants to see what my droid looks like! There's also one out in the field at Celebration with the 501st logo, a posed shot from the same shoot above with the full body shots, and one with some sassy rebel droids also at Celebration! Haha
  4. Here's a visual representation of what I mean. My shoulder bells are attached directly to the torso THROUGH the shoulder rings with velcro so I can adjust accordingly. So everything still moves nice and smoothly, but it's a much different than the bearing system that is actually bolted (if I'm correct) to the torso. Different methods, same visual outcome in the end. Just a matter of preference is all. Which is why I say it's debatable.
  5. This is awesome!! Pretty spot on honestly. Haha The only things I noticed aren't in and are pretty minor~ For Context: He's also in the Dr Aphra comic series Also this part: "0-0-0 or Triple-Zero or Doctor Aphra is a protocol droid, specialized in etiquette, customs, translation and torture. " should just be- "0-0-0 or Triple-Zero is a protocol droid, specialized in etiquette, customs, translation and torture." For the Torso: He has these four greeblie/detail pieces over the chest area (not sure if they have a name or true purpose other than visual)- 1 on one side, 3 on the other with one larger than others. The artwork varies and sometimes it shows it there and sometimes not, or flipped to the opposite side (but I think that's just an artist error! ) After looking at all the other standard protocol droids when I was building mine, all of them seemed to have them (and he's definitely shown with them often enough to imagine, like all other protocol droids he has them too. Haha) Picture reference to what Im talking about~ Also in torso section, this part is debatable: "Shoulder rings need to be attached to the torso and must spin on a bearing type system and the shoulder bell must be on a hinge so it can open up. " Most of the builders I know use a solid ring that attaches in-between the torso and shoulder bells. Visually, they both accomplish the same thing. Technically, it's just a matter of comfort and mobility since the solids do not hinder movement, whereas the bearing versions (I'd imagine) probably make the arms more mobile. (Basically like the difference between solid and rubber shorts) Other than that though, this is pretty rockin!!
  6. Thank you so much everyone!! It is indeed a costume! That was me! I was pretty stiff and slow back then since it was my first time ever wearing the suit fully. I've made a whole lot of modifications for movement and comfort since, and have most definitely gotten a lot more used to how to move in it and my vision. I'd say I could give that rebel scum a run for his money next time around! lol, Gordon's an awesome sport! Also yep! It is the TK409 small parts! I actually considered doing K3PO myself! As well as R3PO because I loved the color! But the black came out too good to pass up. Haha Oh man, I wishhhhh! That would be so B.A. xD One of our local R2 Builders is considering taking on the task! Here's to hoping he commits! Thank you! And I'm lucky to have genetics on my side! Almost as if I was built in some Imperial warehouse or something!
  7. ChumbaWumba

    Triple Zero

    My completed Triple Zero protocol droid. I shall be writing up the whole process of bringing him to life with pictures and stuff, but for now here are some pictures!~ Standard front, sides, and back shots: And some other fun shots:
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