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About Badmoon1975

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  • 501st Garrison
    Star Garrison

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  • Location
    San Antonio

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  1. So painting this armor has been difficult. I just wanted to add something the local GML recommended. I was trying to use regular rattle can paint but my GML pointed me to Appliance Epoxy. It has been great the only drawback is a long dry time.
  2. Test fitting fun. Having trouble figuring out how to add the straps to the harness.
  3. I built my flame tanks bracket...there is still more work to do though...more pics to follow.
  4. More progress, assembly is almost done but painting is proving difficult.
  5. Sorry for the late reply, I am in CTX, San Antonio
  6. <p>Hey guys been a bit, time for some more pics. I apparently need to scale them down a bit.
  7. Here is the almost completed gun. I used screws and epoxy to hold it together, took some planning to hide all the screws.
  8. And this is my flame thrower, more pics to follow to show my progress on it.
  9. And here are my post clean up upper thighs. I plan to work the belly belt cod and butt plate so I can test fit all of those parts together.
  10. And here is unboxing my armor from KB. It is a great kit.
  11. And here is a pic showing how I mounted my padding and the visor. I still need to dark mesh to cover the mouth hole I carved and the side holes. I also am looking for a quality fan setup.
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