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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About daz0128

501st Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Northeast Remnant

SpecOps Info

  • Costumes
    Shadow Stormtrooper

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  1. Also is there a forum to sign up for full access on this detachment? I cant start a new thread for my kill count for the dragon symbol.
  2. My legion profile doesnt say i have my tx approved yet. Should i wait to submit my photos or just submit?? I have approval for this. Pics are on Garrison forums saying it was approved.. just asking before i do anything. dont want to step out of line
  3. Ok so im taking my specialist pics today. hopefully submitted by weekend. have 2 troops this weeknd
  4. just got the email saying Ive been appoved with my TX. well first kill in the books was Weird Al event.
  5. thanks guys for comments on my approval pics. keep everyone posted. anxious to submit for specialiest
  6. clips were painted black after i submitted photos. i like it better that its black. also painted the holster screws black as well. im still waiting to hear if approved. my first kill with be a weird al event if approved.
  7. sent my pics for approval in my garrison. if you wanna take a look Under Armor http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06891.jpg Front http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06893.jpg Right http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06897.jpg Back http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06902.jpg Left http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06907.jpg Bucket Off http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06915.jpg Action http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06919.jpg http://i1012.photobucket.com/albums/af247/daz00128/tx%20approval/DSC06918.jpg
  8. help with back cover strip on left thigh. one side of the thigh is raised while the other is flat. what can we do to do a butt joint? bottom of thigh looking up looking from the raised edge
  9. So we are geting ready to do the thighs. I know with the Tk build on the LEFT thigh cover strip does not go down to the bottom like in the pic. Is it the same for shadow trooper ? Here is a few pics of my thighs. Mine is not raised like the tk. Top looking down to knee. Looking from knee up to hip looking directly at bottom of the knee where strip would lay. showing how its not really raised Should i lay cover strip like this #1 I dont think this is correct but making sure before i glue and move on. #2 lay of strip. I know its higher than what it should but i was just only making a reference so you can tell. I think this is correct for specialist??? strip should go to the tape line you see in pic up or down a little....
  10. thats good to hear. really appeciate the quick responses from you.
  11. ok so we didnt get far as we planned to bc of family member was rushed to hospital. Besides that here is what ive got done. so after we got everything attached on ab plate, belt , and everything we noticed that the ends of the butt plate wouldnt stay in place where the straps were. "pic below" we barely have any gaps. with me going/ trying for specialists we did this and it worked well. It keeps it all in place " pics below" first pic is we attached and hot glued a 1" elastic strip . will this hurt for specialist ??? Here we were fitting the chest plate
  12. So i got a little work done today. Not as much as i was hoping but an emergency came up. Canvas Belt is complete: We had to add velcro to the belt because im on the skinny side. Butt Plate/ Kindney Plate is fully attached: Used 3" wide and 1" Elastic. " Dont mind the tape marks on armor." kit will be polished when finished. It got to be late to attach the 3 split rivets to the kidney plate to attach to ab plate. Hand Gaurds: Rubber and Abs guards
  13. thanks Jim. hoping to finish by sunday for submission photos. Not to much more just waiting of glue to dry to work on it some more. Ill keep posting pics
  14. Ok so i got some work done today. Hopefully its fully completed by this sunday is my goal and its do able. Sorry if the pics arent in order as we did things. no gap to minimal gap on butt and kidney plate: Notch on left side i will cut out later right side of notch i need to cut out ammo belt drilled and ready to be attached buttons attached to butt plate Here i used a 3 inch wide elastic to attach the left side of ab plate to kidney. The silver line is so i knew where the middle was. Left side of ab plate with the split rivets. Yes i know i need to paint them black. Saving that for last Drilled the center hole on ab plate to attach ammo plate and drop boxes Ab buttons installed inside of the ab plate. Showing the back of the snaps Here are 2 pics of ab plate with everything connected.
  15. do we need to do a build thread ? just curious im kinda using this thread as mine but wasnt sure if theres a specific area for build threads
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