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  1. Update. I screwed up my lenses and can no longer find the AFX fastshield mirrored lens. Does anyone know where I can get another or know of a alternative?
  2. Hey, been busy with work and was finally able to get back to my helmet. However i ran into a problem with the lenses. Help me Spec ops you're my only hope. I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to mount the lenses. I want to cut and mount the lenses seperately but every epoxy, glue i try wont stick to the faceplate. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Mondan1873, you can contact Supertrooper on the FISD boards or shoot him an email at ATAworks@yahoo.com
  4. Hey all I've made some headway in the trimming cleaning of my new bucket. I just want some feedback on my positioning before I drill any holes into the side for the first mounting screw. http://imgur.com/a/59BIq Any feedback is greatly appreciated
  5. Thanks Toddo. I've trimmed the cap'n back and the faceplate and cut out the frown and eyes. All I have to do now is trim the ears and assemble the helmet. What color black should I use for the traps, tears, and vocoder a satin/ flat black?
  6. Thanks Master Tej. I'm starting to trim the face-plate and cap'n'back, and i would like a second opinion before I make any cuts. http://imgur.com/a/uxqPr I will be cutting below the white plastic lines. Would that be too much or not enough? Any help is appreciated. P.S. I'm still working out how to use the forums.
  7. I've been lurking these forums for years. Well, today that's finally over, in celebration for my birthday I ordered an ATA helmet in shiny black ABS and it has arrived. Before I dive in head first into the build, I just wanted to get any tips or tricks to putting an ATA helmet together. I also have a few questions such as, what kind of mesh should I order to cover the frown, what is the cheapest/ most comfortable padding, and what color should I paint the traps and the tears? Many many more questions to come when I start. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated as I don't want to mess this up. Blackwidow
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