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  1. I emailed flyye directly, they said they are producing the LAW ENF rig as orders come in and not stocking any. Lead time is supposed to be 3-5 days. It has been five days if you include the weekend but I’ll try to update this post when I get information. Their customer service is very responsive and I’m pleased so far. With shipping to the east coast it was about $75 USD The only thing That I know I’m lacking is the leather straps for the vest, does anyone have either a good source for those or a pattern if you’ve made them yourself? EDIT: haven’t heard anything from Flyye for about 17 days. Sent an email to them a few days back to see if they had made/received it yet and I’ve been getting failed email delivery notices since. I sent their support account an email telling them I wasn’t getting through, and I just got an email saying that that email couldn’t reach them either. I’m hoping their email server is just down and it’ll show up in the mail next week. Things seem suddenly sketchy.
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