I began this project a few month ago when I finally had the kutzpah to just say screw it and dive in. All of my parts are coming from different vendors and are as follows
Helmet: Anovos
Armour: KB Studios
Undersuit, Belt, Boots, Gloves: Imperial Boots
E-11D: Branfuhr Studios
SE-14R: Maz Props
LEDs: UKSWrath
So far I have completed the SE14 and E11d. The under suit needs some sewing for the knee gaskets but otherwise ready to wear.
I used a trick by another builder and for the scorching on the barrel I used eyeshadow and automotive clear coat. The rest are decals, and duplicolor black wheel paint covered by the same clear coat. I will have to repaint the SE-14R as well. Hopefully I can get these damned pictures to work as I go.