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501st Reserve[501st]
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About pecklez

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    qld aust

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  1. Oh it is a walters trooper factory kit.....
  2. thanks I was not sure u needed the boxes at the end of the straps if I trimmed them off n cut neck line front n back prob would allow me to raise it a fraction n maybe just cut a little off the bottom of the backplate how high am I allowed to put the elastic up I was considering to take the elastic up a fraction thanks again for everyones help
  3. I been marinading for few weeks now lol
  4. yeah I am just paronoid gonna stuff it up.....been stress bout it so badly... Comment Maybe sitting too low, looks to overlap the kidney plate too much. From the CRL: Back plate contains a "O II" design with little or no overlap of the kidney plate. Required Adjust the back plate to sit a bit higher.
  5. cool thanks not sure if I can drop the buttplate at all
  6. Hi guys/gals i despratly need some help with approval on my tx, i been told i need to lift my backplate as it over hangs my kidney piece i have drawn a line on how much it overhangs i cannot shortern the elastic on shoulders nor take more off the top of shoulders any ideas i am hitting my head against a brick wall atm n its doing my head in......big thanks in advance Aso said minimal operlap how much of a overlap would be acceptable
  7. Hello! kerrinpeck1 shared an album with you. View Album, http://s1378.photobucket.com/user/kerrinpeck1/library/tx Hope to get approved next week i am jyst waiting on holster n gloves suit now alot shinier
  8. Hello! kerrinpeck1 shared an album with you. View Album, http://s1378.photobucket.com/user/kerrinpeck1/library/tx Hope to get approved next week i am jyst waiting on holster n gloves suit now alot shinier
  9. hi i was told to see spec ops o this as garrison dont know are these good ebough for approval i am tad worried bout the heal n the seam down back dont wanna polish them up if they are wrong.........how long it take for imperial boots to get back
  10. lucky for me when I'm done we will have 3 shadows in our garrison I'm in the qld redbacks and I have a wtf kit in process atm bucket done just finishing rest off
  11. http://s1043.photobucket.com/user/kerrinpeck/library/more%20tx%20progress how are the hovis in colour
  12. thanks gonna get a small flat file n try n get some of the small bumps out just making sure the frown n teeth are ok as I will be painting it tomorrow Anyone got a good pattern on where the best place n way to put the clips/studs in/where... thanks in advance
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