Here are the differences I have noticed between the CRL Shadowtrooper and the Shadowtrooper from
The helmet
- The "ears" are only black, including the body of each ear.
- The lenses are only bubble and, on top of obscuring the eyes, are mirrored
- The tube stripes are only blue
- The stripe above the eyes is black but noticably different from the material of the helmet.
- The aerators and screening are both completly and only black
- The Vocoder is only silver
- The frown must only be silver
The abdomen armor
- There is a vader-like "box" of 9 lines with a single button underneath these lines. to the right of these lines and button is a series of 4 verticle lines. This box is the same as the one on the CRL, except it is flipped and turned upside down.
- Unlike the CRL, there is no material that protrudes past the base material of the abdomen armor that follows the box or any sort of pattern, but rather there is a line that follows the length of the abdomen armor to the left and right of the "box".
- To the right of the box and across the line is a verticle, thin "box" that has three buttons with amable space between.
- To the left of the box is a knob-like buldge that seems to protrude from the armor itself.
Hand plates
- The handplates and their shape are, unlike the pentagonal shape on the CRL, a squared, rounded-edges shape.
The gloves appear to be the same material as the under-armor.
The kidney/back armor
- The kidney armor is niether flush with nor under the back armor.
- As a side note, it appears to me that the kidney and the posterior armors are a singular and connected piece, yet are not connected to the abdomen.
The belt
-There IS 6 rectangular boxes on the belt, but there are no buttons like the belt on the CRL.
- The material holding the boxes appears to be a sort of material similar to the rest of the armor, but the back half of the belt seems to be the same material as the under-armor and gloves.
The thighs/lower legs
- The left thigh follows the shape of the left knee closly and is more dramatic than the CRL trooper, causing the knee to nearly fill the gap when bent upwards.
- The legs and their knees keep the gap between the upper and lower legs to a minimal, and the gap on the right leg is the same all the way around.
And I know, this MAY be a bit tough to see, but there is also a white imperial cog/symbol on the left of the chest-plate in case you couldn't see it
I would like the CRL team, and anybody interested in this project as well to, if possible, review my observations in case I missed any observations or interpreted any incorrectly, and to make recommendations on my next step. As a non-standerd Shadowtrooper, I understand the difficulties of finding an exact, or even close, kit and would like guidance on how to make this into a reality. As I am entering the 501st for the first time, any guidance or help is greatly appreciated!