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About warpiper21

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  1. Nova does sound like a cool idea and Izzy I received the things from the raffle in the mail...MOST EPIC thanks so much I love em!
  2. thanks everyone glad you like!
  3. yup Photoshop and Painter I would love that on my truck...hmmmm the possibilities :-)
  4. http://fav.me/d4ren95 I wasn't sure where to post this but I just wanted to share a recent digital painting I completed! ~ Enjoy I would love to hear your thoughts on it!
  5. So I am curious now that I have been trooping. I have had some tell me I need some of the details stripes and insignias to my armor. Should I add these as I am straight black out atm. Also can we do slight battle damage to our armor ? just curious if anyone knows some answers there throw em at me! Thanks~ TX9380
  6. I thought it was a lot of fun! Adults become kids again and kids just light up when they see the troopers. It is an amazing experience!
  7. hey everyone got approved and accepted and trooped my first event here are some pics http://s1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa331/roguewolfstudios/Mothman%20Festival%20troop%202011/ enjoy
  8. more updated pics to the costume http://photobucket.com/Warpipers501st enjoy!
  9. updated pics http://photobucket.com/Warpipers501st love to hear your feedback
  10. Thanks for the input Iz! yeah I have had a time with the bend between the chest and the back. I did attempt to heat reshape and trim but I am afraid any more bend will warp the plastic as it was very "rough" when I received it. With what I did already it started to get a warble effect of the sides that I had to reheat and reshape to get out. I may be able to trim it some how to sit better though. The holster on the boots does need heated and shaped a bit and others have mentioned I need to decrease height on the boot a couple o inches. Currently they measure at 15" tall. The boots were created using the biker scout boot template though I reinforced the insides with a plastic place mat to give it extra strength so the holster wouldn't slack down. Yup still need my neck piece but I am aware of its need. Thanks on the helmet comments the Rubies/Don Post was a challenge. I consider it a temp bucket as it fits pretty stinkin tight to my head. I plan on upgrades as time and cash become available. It has been fun building this kit and I look forward to getting the above adjustments underway soon! TY again!
  11. So I wanted post an update of my armor progress here is a link to the pics https://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=119132&id=1434857404&l=84c7243e97 getting close to complete!
  12. Hey everyone I thought I would throw an update with some pics of my progress so far https://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=119132&id=1434857404&l=84c7243e97 I still need a flightsuit, finish the belt, cummerbun, the detonator assembly and attachment and boots. I found some biker typish boots on sale this week and was curious to see if those are accepted and does anyone have reference pics for specifics on the boots. Helmet is a don post/rubies it is not my end bucket but I got a very good deal on it until I get something better. It fits extremely tight atm but for all specifics works.
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