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camprandall last won the day on October 31 2016

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About camprandall

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  • Name
    Clint Randall
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  • 501st Garrison
    Dune Sea Garrison

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  1. The Anaheim definitely looked more raw than the Launch Bay ones so I also consider those plus references to be the best.
  2. Good catch! That photo was prepped so it should just be a swap.
  3. Awesome, thanks! Thanks to everyone who helped figure out this damn costume too. I don't see it yet on the spec ops listing. Does that take time to update? http://databank.501st.com/databank/Specops_CRL
  4. Wow, ambitious! I might eventually enlarge mine, although it fits pretty well on my body. I kinda want to see how trooping this thing goes before dumping a bunch more work into it. Best of luck!
  5. One thing to note - I figured out that it's sitting at http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_TFA_flametrooper. I want to make sure the photographer credit goes to Chad Turner, my buddy who donated a few hours of his time to take all the photos. Also - I assume I still apply like normal? It's a little strange being the CRL model and then submitting your costume. Is it an auto-approval? Thanks folks!
  6. So you're telling me there's a chance...
  7. Awesome! How long do the reviews typically take?
  8. Ok, I added those two. Let me know if those are good. I had forgotten to mention too that I was assuming we'd use the boot, glove and neck seal pics from the FO TK since they're the same.
  9. I'll get those two pics up hopefully tonight.
  10. Thanks! I'm excited to get us all official!
  11. Oh, and I forgot. All photo credits go to my buddy, Chad Turner. He donated his time.
  12. And... she's done! I wouldn't mind not seeing Photoshop for quite some time. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx3hhQ2CwEKacTJjeW1PTnB1Ukk
  13. I'm cutting the last photo now so all CRL photos will be prepped and ready by tonight!
  14. Here's the back. We'll get the rest sliced up soon. Don't use the shared images here since they are photobucket, but we have a drive folder that Steve has access to that will have all of the high res transparent images to use for the CRL.
  15. Yeah, for sure. I'm picking out the ones that I think are best and then I'll share a Google Drive folder where you can jump in and help. Thanks!
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