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    Kenneth M Terry

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  1. Darth Emphatic, I needs some questions answered about Specialist Helmet I. Color Combination Present a single source that matches your helmet/armor color combination. Any armor not seen is presumed to be gloss black. This can include combinations that match the overall scheme for your character (i.e. - lense: silver, frown: silver, mic tip: white/silver, tube stripes: black - or - lense: silver, frown: black, mic tip: black, tube stripes: black, etc.) II. Helmet Ears shall have three screws per side, one above and one below the ear bar and one at the base of the helmet. Ear bars should have four bumps only, not three. The drop from the Ears must also bend towards the back of the helmet, instead of vertically. Traps/tears and tube stripes shall have the correct ANH TK details. Correct 'Hovi mic' aerator tips. FX/AM helmets are not allowed. Neck trim shall be of an s-type profile rather than a u-type profile. On the Color Combinations for the helmet: Can I choose any color combination, or do I need to conform to the standards you have listed above?
  2. Hello All, I just wanted to give everyone here on the forums a heads up about a recent experience with an Armor Maker. Walt's Trooper Factory (WTF). I was browsing his Facebook page and saw an auction for some Youth Shadow Trooper Armor. I jumped in and began bidding. I was the winning bidder at $380.00. Afterwards I was corresponding with him about how to get the Armor paid for and he reminded me it was for a Charity of my choice. So I clarified what charity would be acceptable. I asked if I could donate it to my local church for a Youth Mission Trip. He said, "It was my choice". All I have to say is, "WOW". This guy has a class act operation. I only had to pay for the shipping directly to him. He is Johnny on the spot with answers to questions. He has Facebook live feeds several times a week while he is pulling armor and he answers questions while he is live. He just seems to be a really classy guy and runs a Classy operation. He is one of the only guys out there making quality Armor for kids too. I just wanted to relay this information to all of you out there.
  3. Hello Again All, So I have found several reference photos of the Blackhole/Shadow Trooper with two leather MP40 magazine pouches attached to the canvas belt along with the Holster for the E-11 Blastech. My question is, are these acceptable for the Specialist Designation? I think it looks absolutely Bitchen with the Shoulder Pauldron in Black.
  4. I just ordered my Shadow Trooper (Blackhole Trooper) from Walt's Trooper Factory. The reason I purchased from him is I have an 8 year old Son who is primmed and ready for me to build him one as well. I had planned on making a photo diary of my build already as I have accumulated approximately 90 pages of build notes already from your forum as well as FISD and the Carolina Garrison. I have also offered up my companies warehouse for a build party. Perhaps I can set up a few cameras around and different work stations and video different people's style of bulding. However, I was looking for some direction in the Specialists Program within the Spec Ops Community. I understand you don't have an (EIB) or (Centurion) level build within Spec Ops. I just need some direction on where to obtain this information so I can build the best possible quality Shadow Trooper/Blachole Trooper Armor. I was also wondering about weapons of choice for Shadow Troopers. I have had my eyes pealed for a DLT-19 and I just havent found a builder which I am convenced has the quality I am looking for. I cannot afford to purchase a decommissioned MG-34 nor do I plan on carrying around a 19 lb. weapon for a Troop. Any and all advice is welcomed and appreciated...
  5. Nitrospartacus, Could you point me inthe right direction where i might find the standards and requirements for the aforementioned Specialists Program. I wish for my build to be of the highest quality and standards which I can conceivably do. I just need some direction and instruction in order to build the armor. I have the faith in my abilities as I am a fabricator by trade. I would assume that if I adhere to the Centurion Standards, I would be O.K. with the exception of the colors used within the Spec Ops Community. Am I correct with this assumtion?
  6. I was referring to the tube stripes. I think I will elect for Spats Chrome paint for the teeth and mirrored from Imperial Supply. I have been researching so much, I have started a small 90 pages of notes which I have collected from this forum as well as FISD to assist I my build. Where would you suggest I look into the Specialist Program to find qualification standards from? The sheer number of forum topics is a bit overwhelming for a beginner such as myself. I am a fabricator/painter, so I have a wealth of tools and a bit of experience with details. However, any assistance and advice is appreciated. If you have any suggestions I welcome it. Thanks.
  7. More Please!!! I am just going to copy all of your trim techniques for all future builds. Your Craftsmanship is simply perfect. I would love to see more of your build photos and remarks which went along with them. I just purchased my first Shadow Trooper Armor and I will only be emulating your techniques. Copy is the Sincerest Form of Flattery...
  8. Hello All, I just ordered my first set of armor and I am researching, researching, and researching some more. Does anyone have a resource for Helmet Stencils for painting Stripes? With that question out of the way, what is the standard color for the stripes on a Shadow Trooper? Matte Black or Blue? I have seen both and I prefer the Matte Black, but, I don't wish to offend those hard core Troopers as I wish to assimilate to your standards and not make my own. I would really like to shoot for (EIB) or (Centurion) on my first build, but I will also keep my expectations realistic. Any and all advice is appreciated in advance...
  9. Hello All, I just ordered my first set of armor and I am researching, researching, and researching some more. Does anyone have a resource for Helmet Stencils for painting Stripes? With that question out of the way, what is the standard color for the stripes on a Shadow Trooper? Matte Black or Blue? I have seen both and I prefer the Matte Black, but, I don't wish to offend those hard core Troopers as I wish to assimilate to your standards and not make my own. I would really like to shoot for (EIB) or (Centurion) on my first build, but I will also keep my expectations realistic. Any and all advice is appreciated in advance...
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