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Strength last won the day on September 8 2017

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    Atlanta, GA
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    Bringing fear in the hearts of those that oppose the empi...I mean bringing smiles to the masses.

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  1. Walt's Trooper Factory is one I am aware of. A buddy got his a couple years ago from AM. Paul Strength Star Garrison| North Texas Squad | Trooper 31201 (TK/TX/DZ) TFE | Command Staff | Merchandise/DXXO 501st Legion | Honorary Member Committee Rebel Legion | Kessel Base | Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars) / A'Sharad Hett R2/AstroMech Builders | C2-B5
  2. I do not believe this will work. The extra bit of "leather" on the sides doesn't look correct. Essentially, it should look like the boots the TKs wear, but black. So no extra leather in there. However, I'm giving my opinion as I am not a GML or Spec Ops CS.
  3. "Thermal Detonator (a.k.a. O2 canister) attaches to the back of the belt. This is an all black cylinder 2 to 2.5" in diameter with black end caps and a black control panel pad, with controls closest to the right end cap. " Does not mention the clip colors, but I painted mine black for effect.
  4. Looks pretty good! I found mine on ebay as well, it's about the stitching and the sides.
  5. And find your local garrison/squad/outpost that you are in and get in contact with them. Armor parties are a GREAT resource to learn things and sew how it's done. Start a build log too, it always helps to have people give input as you're building.
  6. Same, I glued some in my calves and have never had a problem. But know that this is a common issue with TKs and TXs.
  7. So I want to make sure I am following here. Is the CRL being pulled from Spec Ops? Or from the Legion as a whole? I ask because she's a game character, meaning we can see her costume from all sides inside the game. My roommate has it, I've seen it.
  8. NOPE! That will save you the cash you would have spend. The first thing that jumps out and would def not get your approved...the sides of the ankles. The overall design is correct, but those details on the sides are wrong. Plus, they are the same price as Imperial Boots. Better to go with the proper source.
  9. As Darth Emphatic is saying, there is no reference imagery that shows a Shadow with silver tube stripes. All CRLs and costumes are built to screen (movie, TV, comic, game, etc.) accuracy. IF you can find good images that show silver the stripes, then bring it on over!
  10. WHOA!!! Welcome to the Spec Ops and WELCOME to Star Garrison! I'm the current XO for North Texas Squad. Where do you live?? I can put you in contact with some approved spec ops peeps in your squad. As for the kit, are you a "bigger" trooper or fairly slim? Walt's Trooper Factory are for the slimmer or average build, I'm 6' 170 lbs and it fits perfectly on me. There are other makers for the more robust trooper, and we can point you to them. As you are in Star go here to join the recruit page if you haven't already. https://www.facebook.com/groups/296336407050926/ Look forward to seeing your build, being approved, and trooping with ya! Cheers, Paul Strength
  11. Honestly, just tape is all off and repaint it.
  12. I have 3, TK, TX (all black with a black cog, and a Tusken (Hett). Wally is awesome, and a LOT of is in Texas have ordered from him.
  13. Have you built a stormtrooper (TK) kit? Or is this your first armor kit?
  14. You can't buy it piece by piece, you will need to get it as a whole kit. The soft parts are separate of course. You can find the vendors here: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/forum/85-armorsoft-parts-and-where-to-find-them/ It'll depends on your size as to who is better to go with.
  15. ABS paste would be a great idea, and you could reach out to Walt at Walt's Trooper Factory and see if he's got a spare or is doing a black run soon. Otherwise, submerge in hot water for about 20 seconds before putting on the tube. This will help reduce the chances of splitting. It allows the plastic to be flexible.
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