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501st Reserve[501st]
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ELP last won the day on April 5 2015

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About ELP

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Outer Rim Garrison

SpecOps Info

  • Costumes
    Shadow Stormtrooper
  • TotM Datestamp
    Jan 2014, Dec 2010

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  • Location
    Kelowna, BC

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  1. I wear the Amsterdam and I've got EEE width feet. I ordered a half size larger then usual and they fit really nicely. Mind you I did order them as EEE width.
  2. Hi, I'd suggest looking up the Alpine Garrison (http://www.alpinegarrison.com/) and join their forum. Then once in there feel free to ask around as someone might have a costume they are willing to part with. This way you can meet up with a bunch of troopers in your area, get to know one another and hopefully get you on the right path. There are a large number of Special Ops members in and around Salt Lake that can give you a hand finding and building the kit. And as there are a number of different costumes the Alpine folks can help out. If you didn't get any results there then we do have a few folks on staff here that will PM you with a bunch of information. Hope that helps!
  3. Morning Doug ... Yea stairs can give most troopers in hard armour pause. There are a few things you can do: Similar to this trooper and cut the half moon shape ... Sounds to me he just eye balled it. great discussion here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/22140-a-first-rehersal-and-first-armour-bites/?fromsearch=1 The other thing you can do is trim the top of your thigh so the whole part sits higher, and removed teh offending piece from behind the knee. Hope that helps.
  4. HAve fun and as you see there are a lot of folks willing to help if you have questions or get stuck ... "ask twice ... cut once"
  5. To each their own but if you've never worked with ABS maybe a bit of practice cutting, glueing, etc before putting the helmet together might be a way to go. You can trim a few pieces (the ears above for example) and use the scraps to see how to get the best and cleanest cuts, how to use magnets to pinch the two surfaces together, practice clamping ... etc. And to paraphrase Toddo - "read, read, read ... then give 'er"
  6. I'm going to second Novis, but I know Izzi uses / used Future Shine. But from me experience Novus works really well. Also I'm going to try "Mother's Plastic Polish" as it did a freaking great job on a friends plastic headlight covers. I've got a few scraps of trim I'll try it out on first ... but if it does half as a good a job I'll be ecstatic.
  7. My buddy is in Canada so shipping will probably be steep. Give me a bit and I'll see what I can come up with.
  8. Mearl - any other reference pictures? The helmet looks pretty straight forward ... Glowing eyes might take some work but EL tape will do that. And the knees would be pretty simple. Easiest muscle suit I've seen is a tarzan one on eBay ... Then the trooper undersuit over top. Guantlets and gloves will be a bit of a rough go. Articulated fingers are one of the banes of my existence. What material are you looking for? I'd suggest EVA foam (low cost, easy to work with) and then coat with white glue (3 coats) and then 3 coats of Smooth-on 65D - this will make it look like ABS and will also be nice and hard and gives a fantastic final coat. Shoot me a PM and I should be able to connect you with a Crazy talented friend who can either take on the job, or walk you through it ... Also any thought to budget?
  9. Congrats Jim - Looks great. Nice bit of hard work!
  10. Great Kit, and with a bit of polish after everything is built what might look slightly pink in the picture turns into a mirror finish blood red. A Magma is a thing of beauty. Just take your time and you'll end up with a fantastic Costume! Splatt - Correct me if I'm wrong but Magams are the best, right .
  11. Actually I did some digging and it looks like the maker of the Spec Ops costume got involved in other things and this was left unfinished. Here is his facebook armoury so you can maybe reach out and ask: https://www.facebook.com/mandalorian.arsenal
  12. Hi - There is a lot of information on this costume (coruscant senate guard) on the sovereign protector's forums (The Imperial Royal Guards) ... http://www.forcepike...1c2e4deaa5252dd But if you are referring to this costume: The only one that I know of is hopefully still in progress, you can see the post here or over at the Dented Helmet: http://www.thedented...ntensive-25759/
  13. Exactly. Wasn't claiming the idea, just saying what I've used, and that it worked well.
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