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Everything posted by Ajane

  1. Ahh so this makes so much sense now! Basically with the kits we got, there is only one strip to cover the front and none for the back. But if there is supposed to be a strip on the back then everything now makes complete sense..! Will have to source some extra black strips for the back of the calfs and thighs now Thanks so much Allan you cleared up so much with those photos! Alannah
  2. Thanks Allan! The front join is with a cover strip and that part is fine. It's actually the back join that we are struggling with>we've no strip for the back which is right yeh? So it's the back join that overlaps and we arent sure if that is supposed to be a centre join which we will velcro or else if we can overlap them. I've had a look at your build and it's brilliant! It's very hard to see the back of the thigh and calf joins though so if you had any photos of those I'd be delighted as we are at a bit of an impasse!
  3. Hi guys looking for a bit of help. We've come some way on this build but are struggling a little as I'm small (5ft 7) and some of the parts are so big that I'm worried if I trim too much it will cause problems with clearance. Once part specifically is calf. My question is when I do the front-join there is a huge overlap at the back, is that permitted or does it have to be center join with velcro? Hopefully that makes sense! The other part that's causing problems is the back of the chest-plate overlaps the kidney-plate significantly-again because i'm tiny! If I trim the kidney-plate too much it looses it's shape...so is it okay if there's a tiny overlap or would any overlap at all mean no clearance? Thanks for the help! Alannah
  4. That's guys this is great-on the local boards and have read through lots of threads but always good to get advice-think we will start with chest pieces. Need to get over the fear and just get stuck in! Luckily found someone to make the helmets for us so that's taken care of thanks again folks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So myself and my partner are doing a double shadowtrooper build and our kits arrived the other day so we are going to try and put these together simultaneously! We might have underestimated how much work this is going to be! Any advice on which part to start on? We started on the calf but looks like there might be better parts to start with..is there a general rule on what order to build this? Any tips or hints would be welcome!
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