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Studio 49

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Everything posted by Studio 49

  1. G'day there ? I've gradually been making progress on the 3D file for the helmet in my limited spare time this year, I'm determined to help Alex get this kit done! It's just been a crazy year, I was working in films for Legendary Pictures as a Prop/Model maker for most of the start of the year so that ate up a lot of spare time haha I'll be sure to post plenty of photos when I get some more progress done on the bucket!
  2. As Alex mentioned earlier I've been helping with some 3D work for Aquatic Assault Trooper The main plan is for me to 3D Model the bucket for him, a challenge that I'm very much looking forward to! In the meantime, though I was able to have yarn with Alex today and see the original sculpts that were used for the original helmet. And the photos and notes I took will serve as the basis for the 3D model. While I wasn't able to start the helmet today, I wanted to at least rip into some other 3D Work for the project, so we figured we'd get into the Speargun! With Alex there it was easy for me to be able to smash out what is essentially the finished 3D model, being able to discuss the details in person made it super easy to 3D Model. It was modelled from the 3 main reference pictures that Alex has based the entire build on. Cool part is it’s made so that it functions as a 'pump action' Spear Gun. While the harpoon is a fake one, the whole forward handle (the green bit) will slide back on forth on the rail seen on the body of the Speargun as a means of ‘firing’ the spear. These are all details seen in the art which we discussed a heap. So, with all that said, here's a heap of 3D Renders of the Speargun/Blaster which I modelled up this afternoon! (we still have some stuff to tweak of course, and the colours are temporary simply so I had something for the 3D Renders)
  3. There's still progress going on this bad boy, don't you worry folks Things have just slowed down a bit now that I'm back at University for the semester with my studies is all
  4. Alright here's tonights update folks I finished off the respirators/green mic tips and started roughing out the cheek structure from which I can build out the rest of the details I have to say I am extremely stoked with how this is coming along!
  5. Thank you for the kind words mate At this point I'm stage one that I'm aiming for is just to cast a single bucket for me so I can use myself as the guinea pig since if it doesn't meet my high standards I just wouldn't think it right to sell And then if all is going well and I've got the hang of acting this badass bucket I'll start doing limited runs as time allows But first I have to finish the mould I figure I should also mention I'm in no rush to be the 'first' guy with DT buckets, I'm the kind of vendor who takes their time to make sure everything is perfect By the way, watch this space for an update tonight
  6. I've made some great progress do on the CAD model but will do a bit more before I post updates But for now I'll post this video, it's a sizzle reel of all the projects, costumes and props that I have made over the last few years Everything you see in this video was either designed or built by me or both
  7. Thanks you for the kind words everybody! I just love building stuff and I've always wanted to learn how to sculpt and cast so this is actually the first helmet that I'll have made with sculpting. I've sculpted a few other thing where and there like for my McQuarrie Concept Vader. I love the challenge of bring something into the real world that didn't exist prior, it's never not satisfying!
  8. Stage 2: CAD Development begins So now that I had the foam in a really rough shape of what I'm after (believe me when i say that the foam is far form finished!) it was time to start getting stuck into the 3D modelling With which I decide to target the chin/snout area as my first are to attack and build out from to create the rest of the facial are of the bucket
  9. Stage 1: Initial Carving To start with I decided I wanted to rough out the form of the helmet so naturally I needed foam, and lots of it! Thankfully I had leftover foam in the workshop from my work last semester for my Bachelor of Design Studies (Product/Industrial Design) I also sourced some Orthographic views and such, not for getting measurements for the fine details but really just ensure the overall proportions are correct These images in particular were taken from leaked packing for the Black Series Titanium helmets
  10. Ok so first a little bit of insight for you all as to how I'm going to do this (and to justify there is a method to my madness ) I am constructing a master helmet that I will use for rotocasting a fully wearable copy for myself The master will be constructed with a combination of digital and traditional methods - The front most third will be created digitally in my CAD software as with these features needing to be angular and precise it's easer that way - And the back will be created from high density foam that I will shape through carving, sanding and rigorous filling to the exact shape I want. With the organic curves of the back that's much easier to perfect by hand
  11. Well the Rogue One costume bug has officially gotten me and although I promised myself no more costumes well here I am... At this stage I'm just making the bucket from scratch, but if that works out I'd love to try make bucks for the armour and vac form my one set. That's something I've always wanted to try and I figure a new costume would be the perfect opportunity for that! Now onto the progress so far on the bucket!
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