I took a bunch of photos at CE available here:
Feel free to download the full resolution versions.
I've been trying to figure out the boots all week. They are clearly Dr Martins because of the sole. However they are not ones in the current range. There's 2 that are close but not 100% there. There's a seam at the top of where a shoe would stop (unless they are actually shoes?) and the rear tab isn't right on anything they currently do.
I've also noticed the "rubber" like material used for the neck seal and some of the gaskets is a cloth covered rubber/neoprene material (There's a cut edge in one of my photos). My Anovos neck seal is looks like the same material type for this so it is probably commercially available if I can figure out what it's called. This also seems to be used on the shoe covers.
The under suit is the same as the shore, which is a "jersey" type fabric with the lines sewn into it. This might have been made for the production but it's certainly not corduroy as some suspected from the photos.
Sorry for the brain dump but I wanted to get it out before I forget it all.