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About Apophis

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    Ohio Garrison

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  1. Got mine today and it is just as fantastic as the classic helmets Spike makes...
  2. Thanks! Member profile updated and posted in Detachment access thread. http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=20868
  3. Just heard back from the GML.... TX-60113 reporting in.... I'll update with my membership profile when he gets around to updating it...
  4. Yeah it was about 5 minutes after that pic was taken I saw he had both biceps upside down, and we went to the back to get him squared away (the other bike pic with Mara were after he fixed it)... I can't tell you how much I love this costume... It's so much fun to walk around with the "biker scout attitude" and then add the "spec-ops attitude" on top of it lol...
  5. OK... So on Thursday (for the R1 premiere) I wore my TK... Noticed my armor needed a lot of repairs on Friday night... Figured screw it... I'm going to finish and wear my shadow on Saturday (theater requested us Thursday, Friday and Saturday)... So from 10:00 am to troop time at 4:00 I: Remade my bund, cod, and pouches Finished my shoulders and all strapping Took in my flight suit where needed.... Finished my belt and drop boxes... Doesn't read like a lot, but I was rushing.... Literally threw the velcro on the pouches and chest 5 minutes before I walked out the door... In my mind there's still a lot of work to do... But I've gotten so many comments from other 501st members, the mandos and Rebels that were there saying how good I looked and that they're now thinking of making a shadow scout (storm commando... whatever your preference)..... I know I need pouch filler.... again... see above... no time... Anyway... here's some pics from that troop.... My best bud showed up (wearing the 501st MAW shirt): A group shot with my bud.... One of my squad-mates was giving me grief about "being a shadow".... So I became his shadow.... Also there's a great gif of him turning to see me, and me going behind him or just ducking to stay out of line of sight... Poor TK's and not being able to see the floor... One of my friends is thinking of joining the 501st, so she came with as a handler..... Here's the mandatory selfie.... Our squad mates just finished and debuted twin speeder bikes... There haven't been any of me on a bike posted yet (handler took over 400 pics...) but here's a preview with a TB on one, Mara Jade and the theater manager on the other: That's all for now.... I still need to add suede to the flight suit, but I'm just going to wait and commission a new set of soft goods from Chef.... I don't want to mess with all that.... Took some approval pics last night... submitted to GML... when I hear back I'll update.... As more pictures are posted I'll add some fun ones... So that's all for now... (Soon to be.... hopefully) TX-60113 signing off..... *edit* Ask and you shall receive... here's a couple with me on the bike (Man these blacks don't photo well)...
  6. I picked up a mirrored motorcycle visor on eBay... Barely fit... It's good, just not in the sun...
  7. Got a lot done the past couple days.... Biceps, Forearms, and Knees are done... The top strap on the knee is too tight so that'll have to be redone before I can say it's done... Tank was attached to the back... TD and belt was assembled.. and the Back and Chest were attached to each other... Pics of the first full suit up (thus far) below. Front (yes I know the bund is off center... I wasn't paying attention while suiting up) Right Back (Keep in mind that the cod isn't attached to anything right now, and the elastic hasn't been sized yet... Hence it's running up my back) Left And look.... I can finally sit! Left to do.... Round the corners of, and attach the shoulders. Drop boxes Shoulder Bridge cover Make pouches Resize knee elastic Make a flak vest Remove the regular pockets in the flight suit.... Add suede to the flight suit... Paint all the rivets. If there's any suggestions to add to this list, PLEASE say something... Hoping to have this done and submitted by the end of this 4 day weekend.... That's all for now... *Edit to add a couple items to the list I forgot*
  8. Thanks! The scout was what I wanted to start with, but other opportunities came up... So I'm really hoping to nail the shadow and move on to the TB after the learning pains are out of the way. Chris does make great boots... Mine are a little wrinkled in the toe, I'm going to try to heat it up and smooth those down... I didn't have any washers available so I used some scrap plastic I had sitting around. I drilled a hole in them just barely larger than the rivet (had to muscle the rivet through). If it eventually pulls through I'll repair it. I also put some elastic around the top to help stop the boot from sagging... Only time will tell if that works... I'm picking up some washers today on my way home from work... Hope to finish the back, belt, forearms and biceps tonight... I'm really procrastinating on sewing the suede on my flight suit, my pouches, and flak vest lol.. The goal is to be complete and submitted by this time next week. That's the goal anyway... I don't know if it'll happen... It seems like the soft parts are what takes the longest on this costume... All the armor is pretty straightforward and shouldn't take much to get it all strapped.
  9. Small update... Installed my Holster today.... I did a few other small things (T-Bits, Tank Topper, TD greeblies and painted the tube)... More pics tomorrow... Here's the holster (rivets still need painting...) Please tell me the holster is the most complicated part of the build..... because that thing was a pain to rivet... More pics and hopefully more progress tomorrow... *edited to fix typo*
  10. I have a question... Or 50... How high up should the belt be? I've read that the top should be around your naval... Then I've also read that makes the cod look more like a diaper and to wear it on your hips where you normally wear belts... Also, how tall should the bund be (going from where to where)? Again, I've read contradicting things... Some say from nipples to naval, some say hips to just under the bottom of the chest armor... OH, and where do I find the cotton strapping for the drop boxes, belt, and shoulder bridge? I haven't really inspected the strapping that came with the SC kit, but they looked like nylon. Any help would be appreciated. Update on progress: Armor hasn't been touched... Still working on the bund... Made a cod the other night... it was too long, and I used 1/2" foam inside it and that just doesn't sit right... I was also really tired, just wanted it done... in my haste I sewed the cod to the top of the bund... I'm frustrated enough that I am going to commission my soft parts as an upgrade, but will continue working in the meantime... Hoping to do well enough for basic approval right now...
  11. Look what came today! chrisx909x does great work... Highly recommended... All for now.... I'm off to think about finishing the bund.... or putting the suede on the my flight suit....
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