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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Instvogel last won the day on August 10 2022

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About Instvogel

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  • 501st Garrison
    German Garrison

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    Hannover, Germany
  • Interests
    American Football, PC Gaming, Krav Maga, 3D Printing

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  1. Honestly, if it will go through i might go for specialist. But right now basic would be enough. Will do some movement testing in the suit because its close body length wise. Arms and legs no problem, but my torso is too long/wide. Snaps shouldnt be a problem. Did 100s of them for the Shadow trooper.
  2. For the big bag i am looking at this one: https://www.ebay.de/itm/155039214155?hash=item24190eaa4b:g:B0wAAOSwRUdiqkQy
  3. Regarding Boots. I have these laying around. I think these will do fine. They shall be cut down to the needed size. Which is no problem since my calves are way too big for them. Any suggestions?
  4. So Guys, Especially @Blackwatch I need your opinion? These are the pics of the overall I just got. Its a natural Workwear 4XL Tall and so far the biggest I could find. Its close on the torso length. Front (Yeah i've seen that the zipper and button are visible ? ) Back and side. I have the option of sending it back or keeping it. A german maker named HerotecX is in the final stages of making the suit as a complete finished one but not sure about the sizes. What do you guys think?
  5. I might need your help on getting these pouches. The german supply stores dont really seem to offer the right kind!
  6. After my last troops became pretty exhausting. 4+ hrs in armor are hard for me. Now i thought of making an IAE. I already have boots but they need to be cut down. Also i ordered a Natural Workwear Overall and the hooks for the harness. Unfortunately i cant find a source for the belt in Germany. At least not in my size. I need at least 130 vm in length. I was thinking of getting two belts and fusing them behind the backpouch. The backpouch seems to be the next thing i cant find in germany. I will keep you updated!!
  7. Next up i worked on the helmet visor. After lots of measuring, dremeling and again and again. I finally made it look a bit like a scout helmet. The visor is still farm from perfect but its getting a lot better. And just tipp from my expericence, not every 2part Glues activator is interchangeable with a different brand. Had to reglue one time cause of this. Stupid beginners move.
  8. This week we got some more or less progress. First of the Pain in the.... I mean the Helmet I did try to fit the visor as closely as i could. After that we started a whole lot of dremeling parts big and small. Also we made the T-Strips for the Chest and shoulder pieces. Also I mounted the Hump on the backplate. But It looks a bit like i have to do this again, since on this pic it looks a bit tilted.
  9. Hi guys, this week we recieved all the necessary hard parts for the shadow scout armor and cummerbund. Helmet: Lone Wolf (Semi Finished Kit) Armor: Chef's Creations. Cummerbund: Chef might upgrade later to Antje (Furiosa) Gloves: Wampa Wear Jumpsuit TBA Boots TBA Still looking for a decent jumpsuit. Attached there are a few pics. The Helmet: Helmet in Pieces Working on the Holster: Holster Glueing 1 side fix and adding velcro to the other Shoulder Chest Piece: Chest Piece As always, tipps, tricks, hints are very welcome.
  10. Thanks guys, but that is not my main goal. I really would like to have a wider choice of weapons and still be without a doubt within the rules. Of course I can check with the coordinator, but thats not the thing i was hoping for.
  11. Hi Guys, I have a question/request for the approveable Weaponry Why is only the E-11 and the DLT-19 an approveable weapon? I know the general consent is that there have to be references. BUT we are Special Ops. And Special Ops tend to have slightly different rules when it comes to equipment. In this case I am not asking for any changes in Armor but to check if guns like the Z6 Rotary, T21, DLT19X could be made acceptable. As long as they are used within the empire during our time period or before (where i can be rationally explained that they are still in use) Of course maybe this would go for more then these guns but maybe they can be individually evaluated. Just for the reason of me asking: In my case I am a Big Guy and I would love a T21 or a Z6 or even a rocket launcher. E11 looks like a pistol in my hands. DLT-19 will be added but from the optics i like the others more. Thanks
  12. 2 pics for you.... But keep in mind Preapproval! With another SW Fan Group I was teased as a Vader. So I made this sign
  13. Is there a timeline when to expect the final crl? My wife is interested and I would like to know when to start safely.
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