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    Central Garrison

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  1. Sounds good! I definitely want it to look the best it can. When I hear greeblies, it means a separate piece to me. And my main thing was if it had to be molded with the chest or not. So sounds like it’s all good!
  2. I mean as separate pieces from the armor. Or more so, that they don’t have to be molded into the chest. Hope that makes sense. Basically, I’m hoping that the greeblies can be removed if desired, and it doesn’t hurt approval.
  3. Does this mean that the greeblies would be added separately to the base clone chest armor? I hope it does, because that would help me with another project.
  4. I know theres a lot to figure out here, and I am not nearly as good at this stuff as most of you, but I am noticing a discrepancy in the helmet. The photos from the event that are the screen worn pieces, and pictures of the actual Hot Toy show a difference in the area just below the teeth, in the middle. The area with the half moon looking thing. The screen worn version shows it in grey and it seems a bit recessed. The photos of the Hot Toys figure show it in black and not as recessed, almost on top if you will. Any way, just my observation to try and help.
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