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  1. Glad to do it. In fact I've broken out the full metrics for the bandolier ammo packs. Which yields an ammo pack of 13" long by 2.6875" wide ( 2 11/16") And when we overlay that back on the original image scaled to the original length metric (bright pink) we get this Which I consider a "Win" given that it's "real life" modeled in a video game. Thoughts?
  2. Hey all, I'm looking at the Gideon Hask build as well and thought I'd post a few measurements on his bandolier. I've done this with several different screen shots and always get essentially the same measurements. I've done the ratio based on the original CRL belt for TIE pilots/officers at 2", and also averaged between the smallest and largest sizes mentioned at 2.5" Taking measurements off of my TK: The waist ammo belt on the TK is 3 5/8 (3.62" or 9.2cm) The thigh ammo belt is 2 5/16 (2.3125" or 5.9cm) You can see that with either TIE/Officer belt size we're smaller than a standard TK waist ammo belt and larger than thigh ammo belt. The ONLY way I can make the bandolier fit existing TK dimensions is if we assume that Hask's waist belt is 2.75" wide, then we net 3.69" for the bandolier, which is just about right for a TK waist ammo belt. Hope this helps.
  3. I was wondering that as well. Perhaps they fly their TIES to the target, cause a lot of trouble for air/ground defenses, then go in on foot where needed. Combined pilot/commando sort of thing.
  4. The gamestop fig looks fantastic (as does the trailer). LOVE the red lenses.
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